Motorcycles are one of the main reasons of air pollution but the motorcycle industry paid just a little attention to this issue and now we should wait and what decisions are going to be made in the next year for this issue.
News ID: 2202    Publish Date : 2018/03/19

Finally, after a year and a half, Bonro production site has been granted to the Renault-IDRO-Naseh Holding Group joint venture.
News ID: 2156    Publish Date : 2018/03/14

According to the latest report of International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers, Iran ’s global car manufacturing rank raised and it is now in the sixteenth place in the world.
News ID: 2155    Publish Date : 2018/03/13

It about a month and a half that the imported cars market and the importers are waiting for the final verdict of Administrative Justice Court (Divan-e Edalat) about imported cars’ tariff. Now the question is that will this organization announce its verdict in the final days of the year 1396?
News ID: 2141    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

The ISQI is against what people think, a private company, responsible for quality control of a vehicle through the process of production right to the end, the customers’ satisfaction. Yet people are sceptic, why should they trust these reports?
News ID: 2116    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

Hybrid cars are the pioneers of green cars in the world and during the recent years, they entered Iran market and it is expected to gain a remarkable market share in Iran .
News ID: 2055    Publish Date : 2018/03/03

Each year, the vehicle price increment starts two months before the new year, but this year was different. This year price increments started from four month before the Iran ian new year.
News ID: 1942    Publish Date : 2018/02/18

Middle East and Africa’s Deputy of Peugeot Citroen;
Middle East and Africa’s Deputy of Peugeot-Citroen said: “ Iran ’s market has a huge share in the Peugeot's product portfolio and we will import a new SUV in 2018.”
News ID: 1898    Publish Date : 2018/02/13

CEO of IDRO said: Iran ’s car production ranking in 2017 will be 14th or 15th.
News ID: 1893    Publish Date : 2018/02/13

It is only one month left until the end of the year 96 and the automotive industry still awaits for the government promises.
News ID: 1853    Publish Date : 2018/02/09

Hybrid cars are the pioneers of Green Car in the world. While most countries are looking for a way to reduce the pollutions and producing hybrid cars, Iran increased the tariffs of these vehicles and they are not allowed to enter the Low Emission Zone.
News ID: 1820    Publish Date : 2018/02/05

Autoshow in Iran annually start their work from to January. Many automakers, importers and domestic producers attend these autoshows and they introduce their products. But what is the point of multiplicity of these autoshows?
News ID: 1785    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

Chairman of Iran ian Automobile Importers Association announced a meeting with the chairman of Iran ’s Customs Valuation and said: Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration will investigate the pricing of imported vehicles.
News ID: 1674    Publish Date : 2018/01/20

It is said that Iran ’s basis of automotive part manufacturing industry is too old and needs renovation. A renovation which can prevent the import and smuggle of auto parts.
News ID: 1662    Publish Date : 2018/01/19

The second anniversary of JCPOA in near, a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which supposed to be a mean for achieving economic and industrial growth. By reaching its second anniversary, we can see that some of its objectives are not realized yet.
News ID: 1536    Publish Date : 2018/01/02

During the last three days, production and imports of 16 vehicles have been stopped, and the remaining ones are still in automakers’ warehouses. What will be their fate?
News ID: 1490    Publish Date : 2017/12/28

Exchange tensions continues and it is not going to leave the manufacturing industries. It seems that these tensions will continue during the next year.
News ID: 1465    Publish Date : 2017/12/26

Recently, after the government proposed its annual budget bill in the field of income taxes on vehicle import, the vehicle import tariffs was announced unofficially. Now some importers are predicting a turbulent market for the next year due to the reduction of imports and the increase vehicle import tariff.
News ID: 1403    Publish Date : 2017/12/20

This week, the Iran ian politicians announced their support for part manufacturing industry. The support that the industry needs in order to create better conditions such as lowering exchange rates and banking transactions.
News ID: 1382    Publish Date : 2017/12/19

Over the past years, China’s BAIC Co. has always been looking to announce its presence and gain a good market share in Iran ’s car market but until this day, the it wasn’t successful and the the lack of consistency between the new Chinese government's policies of expanding electric vehicles and the demands in the Iran ian market will also make the situation worst for them.
News ID: 1356    Publish Date : 2017/12/16