News ID: 1674
Publish Date : 20 January 2018 - 11:06

Custom Administration Is Investigating the Imported Vehicles Pricing

Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association announced a meeting with the chairman of Iran’s Customs Valuation and said: Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration will investigate the pricing of imported vehicles.
Khodrocar – Last week Khodrocar published a news with this title "Pricing of imported cars in ambiguity”. This news investigated the ambiguities of imported vehicle pricing. Now, Farhad Ehteshamzad, Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association says that he will have a meeting with Chairman of Iran’s Customs Valuation.

He told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Imported vehicle pricing is running according to the instructions, and in case of observing a contradictory behavior, it will be soon investigated.”

Ehteshamzad stated: "Imported vehicle pricing has been analyzed. The criterion for determining the value of imported vehicles is the approval of parent company and Iran’s Customs Administration accepted this issue. But Customs Administration will check out the global and regional prices of these imported vehicles.”

Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association explains: "The Customs Administration’s mission is to preserve the national interests, and this organization investigate the valuation and pricing of imported vehicles.”