News ID: 1662
Publish Date : 19 January 2018 - 09:15

Part Manufacturing Industry Awaiting the Government’s Support

It is said that Iran’s basis of automotive part manufacturing industry is too old and needs renovation. A renovation which can prevent the import and smuggle of auto parts.
Khodrocar – The part manufacturing industry which is a basis for development and facilitation of Iran’s automotive industry is facing different problems these days. Smuggling, underground production, exchange currency removal and old production devices are the examples of these problems.

Meanwhile, some manufacturers believe that this industry needs the government’s support. Now the important question is, what are the obstacles for part manufacturing industry considering the old devices, and what role does the government and automakers have in modernizing and rebuilding this industry?

Considering the new car agreement which foreign partners, the part manufacturing industry is facing new challenges because with these old devices, it should have a 40 percent of share in these new joint ventures. However, the question is, will they succeed?

Reza Rezaei, member of part manufacturing, Automobile and Automotive Industries forum told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Part manufacturing industry needs to be developed like automotive industry, otherwise it doesn’t have the power to be present in global markets, so more government and automotive support is required.”

He adds: "This industry needs to be developed not only because of its relationship with the automotive industry, but also because of its relationship with other different industries.

Rezaei emphasizes: "After JCPOA, iran needs to present and deliver its products in global markets therefore, all of our industries, especially the automotive and part manufacturing industry, should be strengthened.”

Member of part manufacturing, Automobile and Automotive Industries adds: "Because of the interconnection part manufacturing with at least 70 other industries, it is necessary for this industry to work well and to be constantly up-to-date. If we want to enter global market, a special support is needed by the government. Countries like Korea, China and United States started to develop when the government started to support the automotive and part manufacturing industries.”

Rezaei stated that these kind of supports are always helpful.

Khodrocar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh