News ID: 2141
Publish Date : 12 March 2018 - 09:15

Reviewing the Bill On Tariff Reduction for Hybrid Vehicles Next Year

It about a month and a half that the imported cars market and the importers are waiting for the final verdict of Administrative Justice Court (Divan-e Edalat) about imported cars’ tariff. Now the question is that will this organization announce its verdict in the final days of the year 1396?
Khodrocar – A month and a half ago, suddenly, Administrative Justice Court announced the cancellation of imported car’s tariffs which has been set by government’s cabinet. This news shocked not only the importers, but also the experts and market activists.

In the meanwhile, there were whispers about the asset bubble of imported cars in Iran. It was said that the asset bubble would soon be broken. Farhad Ehteshamzad, vice president of Iranian Automobile Importers Association mentioned that executing the verdict of Administrative Justice Court about cancellation of the increment of imported vehicles’ tariff is necessary and this way their price will fall from 15 to 25 percent.

In addition, other market participants and small importers saw the possibility of a 15% to 20% reduction in the price of imported cars, which is being realized by the end of the year. However, the market is still waiting for the final verdict of Administrative Justice Court.

Sometimes later, Mohammad Shariatmadari, the minister of industry, mine and trade said that this bill should be approved by the council of ministers too. It has been about a month since then, and unlike the promises, neither the Administrative Justice Courte made any decisions, nor has the government announced the car import tariff.

Farhad Ehteshamzad told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Bill on tariff reduction for hybrid vehicles is still being reviewed and the result will be announced next year. The tariff reduction will include hybrid and gasoline vehicles.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh