News ID: 1536
Publish Date : 02 January 2018 - 09:15

The Promises which turned into dreams

The second anniversary of JCPOA in near, a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which supposed to be a mean for achieving economic and industrial growth. By reaching its second anniversary, we can see that some of its objectives are not realized yet.
Khodrocar – JCPOA is entering its third year and this is while some of its objectives are not realized yet. The Iran’s automotive industry has been waiting for it to be performed since the year 2013 but it started on 2015.

Now, with JCPOA reaching its second year, some experts are not optimistic about it at all.
Hasan Karimi Sanjari, automotive industry expert told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "JCPOA couldn’t fulfill all the expectations.”

He believed that this joint comprehensive plan of action was not kind of successful, but it helped the industry grow.

Sanjari added: "This contract stopped the sanctions which was very positive for our industry. On the other hand, some inconsistencies caused some problems for our industry too.”

He stated: "Lack of security in the financial investment and Iran’s business point reduction like Renault contract, caused the car industry not to reach what it was looking for. Also United States and its president, Donald Trump’s policies was another problem our industry’s development.”

Automotive industry expert emphasized: "Everything was going well in the first days but after two years we saw no positive effect in our automotive industry. Now, Automakers need to fix the problems, because they are the other ones that meet the needs of the market.

Sanjari added: "We must consider that before the sanctions, there was no opportunity to negotiate, but now there is, and the automakers should make the most of this situation. But in some cases, due to political and economic interventions, this is not possible.”

He said that the fact is that at the moment there is no problem with the cooperation of European partners, but there are many problems with foreign credit and foreign banks.

Sanjari stated: "Currently, Iran’s economical and communicational condition is much better than sanctions period. We should try our best to attract the foreign business partners’ attention and encourage them to invest in Iran.”

Khodrocar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh