News ID: 1785
Publish Date : 01 February 2018 - 09:15

Multiplicity of Autoshows In Iran, What is the Point?

Autoshow in Iran annually start their work from to January. Many automakers, importers and domestic producers attend these autoshows and they introduce their products. But what is the point of multiplicity of these autoshows?
Khodrocar – During the recent years, the number of autoshows in Iran have been increased and the people show more interest about these kind of events in different cities. Therefore, every month an autoshow will be held in one of the cities of the country (International or Local) and the car makers and importers try to attend these events.

Among all the auto expos held in the country, car exhibitions are associated with better reception in smaller cities, but the important point is the the profits of these exhibitions for automakers.

Now the question is whether these autoshows have effects on visitors and convince them to buy new vehicles or not?

Alireza Pourhasani, a car market activist, told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Advertising is necessary but now the customers became smart. They do an accurate research about the car they want to buy.”

He notes: "These days, people prefer to use the internet and electronic commerce in order to buy a car and they don’t look for them in the streets, because they have obtained the necessary information from internet.”

Pourhasani sais: "Everything is different in our country. Auto expos are good but it is not enough for automotive industry. The impact of car exhibitions in the country is about 30 percent.”

He emphasizes: "Sanctions have not been removed yet, the vehicle import tariffs are facing new challenges each day and now the vehicles over 40 thousand dollars are not allowed to be imported. In this situation, auto expos are not attractive for the people at all.”

This market activist told Khodrocar about the benefits of these auto expos: "The automakers must concentrate and spend their money on improving their dealerships. Holding the auto expos each month is not the sign of success of this industry.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh