News ID: 1820
Publish Date : 05 February 2018 - 09:15

The Wrong Decisions Made About Hybrids

Hybrid cars are the pioneers of Green Car in the world. While most countries are looking for a way to reduce the pollutions and producing hybrid cars, Iran increased the tariffs of these vehicles and they are not allowed to enter the Low Emission Zone.
Khodrocar – First, when the hybrid cars entered Iran, the government considered special points for them to enthusiast the people to buy them. Low import tariffs and the permission to enter the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) were their important ones.

When hybrids first entered Iran, they were able to enter the LEZ free of charge until the final days of the year 2016. According to Tehran municipality, the owners of hybrid vehicles must have paid half of the cost of entering LEZ. Now, this year the owners of hybrids not only must pay all the costs of entering the LEZ, but also the municipality didn’t consider any special points for them.

Now the main question is whether the government is going to say goodbye to hybrids?
Javad Nafari, automotive industry expert told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "One the interesting points of these cars were their low tariffs. This made them more attractive more attractive for the people because they bought a luxury car at a lower price. Another fascinating point was their permission for entering the LEZ. First year hybrid vehicle owners were able to enter the LEZ free of charge but the next year, according to new regulations they must have paid 50 percent of the cost and now they must pay all the costs. They have no difference with the owners of non-hybrid (with only internal combustion engine) cars.”

He adds: "Considering the government’s new policies and their wrong definition of hybrid cars, the increased the import tariffs of these cars. In this case, hybrids have no more attractions for the customers because they really don’t care about their car emissions. By eliminating the charm of hybrid vehicles, we can neither bring the technology of hybrid car to the country, nor can we have an impact on reducing fuel consumption and the equivalent of reducing emissions.”

Nafari mentioned the government’s policy about hybrid vehicles and sais: "These policies are totally in contrast with the other countries of the world. With an increase in import tariffs, their price will increase at least 500 million IRRs and they will lose the attraction. Hybrids were starting to make a name for themselves in Iran’s market but these news policies are going to ruin them.”

He believes that the reason for removing these subsidies is non-expert decisions and wrong definitions of hybrid cars.

The automotive industry expert mentions: "If we look at the classification of car tariffs, there are 16 categories of tariffs for hybrid cars and all of them are wrong because of non-expert decisions. The government should work more deliberately on hybrid vehicles, invite companies that are leading in this field, and ask for their opinions by holding meetings, and then make decisions.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazinejad
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh