News ID: 1490
Publish Date : 28 December 2017 - 09:15

The Good Market of Non-standard Cars

During the last three days, production and imports of 16 vehicles have been stopped, and the remaining ones are still in automakers’ warehouses. What will be their fate?
Khodrocar - Due to non-observance of the standards set by the standard organization, some vehicles productions and imports have been stopped. They are still kept in automakers warehouses and their fate in unclear.

Alireza Pourhasani, automotive market activist told Khodrocar about the effects of government dicisionson this issue: "Government’s role is very important in these decisions, because they are responsible for car supply in the market.”

According to him, there should have been clear plans to reduce the production of such cars. Now some models in this list were not expected to be there. These have good sale records in the market recently.

Pourhasani added: "Currently, some of these cars are still being produced and sold in the market. There needs to be an immediate follow-up about this issue.

The market activist said: "We must wait and see how serious is the decision in order to stop the production of such cars.”

He emphasized: "These cars are still receiving license plates and this issue needs a serious follow-up and must be analyzed until next week. Some of these cars still have good sales but on the other hand the government must make some decisions about the continuation of the activities.”

Pourhasasni stated: "Naturally, all cars, whether imported or manufactured, must have the necessary standards and have minimum car standards such as airbags. Because of the lower standard and quality of cars, increases the people’s desire to buy a Chinese car.

He said: "Before the sanctions, domestic cars have had better quality but after the sanctions, according to quality loss of domestic cars, Chinese and Korean cars became popular.”

Pourhasani believes that the lack of serious plans caused these vehicles to be produced and sold.”

He emphasized: "Before the sanctions against Iran, the production of domestic automobiles was decent, but since the imposition of sanctions, the production rate of some models started to reduce because of the low quality vehicle parts. Today, Chinese cars became more popular than Korean, and this is all because Iran’s money value started to fall.”

Khodrocar reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh