News ID: 2155
Publish Date : 13 March 2018 - 18:09

Iran’s Global Car Manufacturing Rank Raised

According to the latest report of International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers, Iran’s global car manufacturing rank raised and it is now in the sixteenth place in the world.
Khodrocar – According to the latest report of International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers (OICA) about the automobile production statistics in the year 2017, Iran is placed in the sixteenth global rank with one million 515 thousand and 396 cars and commercial vehicles produced in 2017.

This means that Iran’s automotive industry raised 18.19 percent compared to 2016.

This while china is still in the first place with 29 million vehicles produced and grew 19.3 percent compared to the year 2016. Surprisingly, The American carmakers are in the second place with 13.8 drop compared to 2016.

German and Korean automakers are ranked third and fifth with 76.1 and 69.2 percent drop respectively.

French automakers are ranked seventh with 54.6 percent of raise in their production.
This report indicates that the year 2017, was not a good year for major carmakers and on the other hand the newcomers Uzbekistan and Slovenia had a great year.

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh