News ID: 1501
Publish Date : 29 December 2017 - 09:15

Vehicle Import yet Troubled

Mohammad Shariatmadari, minister of industry, mine and trade, promised last week to reopen vehicle import registration website and to resolve vehicle import difficulties by the end of the week, yet he could not live up to his own words so far.
KhodroCar - last Tuesday, Rule 90 Commission of Islamic Parliament of Iran, along with minister of industry, mine and trade with his fellow coworkers and Iranian Automobile Importers Association sat on the same table under supervision of Inspection Organization of Iran and delegates of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, to resolve the difficulties of automobile import after six months.

Amir Hassankhani, a member of Rule 90 Commission of Islamic Parliament of Iran said that the minister of industry, mine and trade has promised to reopen the vehicle import registration website by the end of the week. Farhad Ehteshamzad, the Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association along with Davoud Mohammadi, chairman of Rule 90 Commission of Islamic Parliament of Iran have had also approved minister’s sayings.

Yesterday passed while there were neither news about new instructions over vehicle import tariffs nor about reopening of SABTARESH. Mojtaba Khosrotaj, chairman of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, accused others to misunderstanding the minister in order to justify his bad promise and said the problem would be taken care of in the next two days.

The Fate of Vehicle Import Instructions
The truth is that it is now more than a week that the vehicle import instructions have been approved in the government’s infrastructure commission and Article One Commission, yet there is no reason why the government decided not to mention its approval.

Although it naturally needs guts to publish instructions that is against the method of the government and also increases tariffs and limits the competitive atmosphere over the market. Now it is time to sit tight to watch whether the government is capable of resolving the vehicle import difficulties of not.

Khodrocar Journalist: Asal dadashloo
KhodroCar Translator: Mostafa Anisi