The Pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 28th edition of the MIMS Automobility Moscow will be held with the efforts and management of the Association of Homogenous Industries of Automobile Parts Manufacturers of our country and also with the management of Nokteh Negaran Parsi Company. This year exhibition it will be different and more powerful than the previous two editions.
News ID: 4902    Publish Date : 2024/08/19

The combined operating revenue of companies in the sector went up 14.3 percent year-on-year to 3.63 trillion yuan ($508 billion ), the association said.
News ID: 4619    Publish Date : 2023/07/23

At the same time, the definite time for the start of the large car supply plan has been announced, and the experts in this field believe that in addition to the possible competitive advantages of this plan, it will create heavy obligations for the government and private car manufacturers from development goals such as diversifying the product portfolio and increasing the level of domestication.
News ID: 4561    Publish Date : 2023/03/13

In a situation where car manufacturers are hoping to earn money from selling cars in the commodity exchange with the aim of compensating for part of the production losses, the government is trying to earn this money in order to find a new place to compensate for its budget deficit next to imported cars.
News ID: 4517    Publish Date : 2023/01/23

As people become more aware of the negative impact of fossil fuels on the environment, they are increasingly opting for clean and green transportation options such as EVs.
News ID: 4501    Publish Date : 2023/01/03

China's automobile industry maintained rapid growth in September amid the support of policies on stabilizing the economy and boosting consumption, industry data showed Tuesday.
News ID: 4416    Publish Date : 2022/10/12

Peugeot are one of the biggest car manufacturers in Europe and have been around since 1810. Of course, they weren’t a car manufacturer then. In fact, they started off by manufacturing coffee mills and bicycles.
News ID: 3574    Publish Date : 2019/03/20

If you’re a car lover, just knowing the names of different automobile brands isn’t enough to make you appear like an expert.
News ID: 1784    Publish Date : 2018/02/08

In short, the industry is run by and for petrol heads and NAIAS continues to peddle the same status symbols, keeping the Automobili-D satellite exhibition well away from the main event, presumably fearful that the innovations on display there might "infect it".
News ID: 1670    Publish Date : 2018/01/20

The second anniversary of JCPOA in near, a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which supposed to be a mean for achieving economic and industrial growth. By reaching its second anniversary, we can see that some of its objectives are not realized yet.
News ID: 1536    Publish Date : 2018/01/02

Before selling your vehicle, you’ll want to make sure it looks its best.
News ID: 1058    Publish Date : 2017/11/22

In the first eight months, the partnership’s deliveries plummeted 46 percent from a year earlier to 195,138, according to figures disclosed by Dongfeng, a state-owned Chinese company.
News ID: 410    Publish Date : 2017/09/16

"Khodrocar" reports;
The two major Iranian automakers are faced with the challenge of losing business. But what should be done to overcome this challenge?
News ID: 119    Publish Date : 2017/07/31