News ID: 1510
Publish Date : 30 December 2017 - 09:15

Green Tires Rolling On Iran Roads

Last week, during a meeting with car medias the CEO of Renault Pars said that one of Renault plans is to produce green tires in Iran and now Iranian tire manufacturers welcomed this suggestion.
Khodrocar – Ramtin Esmaeili said: "One of our plans is to produce green tires in Iran and currently we are doing the technology transfer with domestic manufacturers in order to produce them.”

Considering the coming of cold season, the air pollution and environmental pollutants became serious issues and Renault Pars suggested this idea in order to reduce the share of automakers from these pollutions which the tire makers liked it.

But the main question is whether green tires will come to Iran? Do the domestic manufacturers have the required technology to produce these tires?

Mostafa Tanha, spokesman of Tire Makers Association told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Reducing the fuel consumption is one of the positive points of green tires and they have more benefits which mainly contain environmental issues.”

He added: "Tires will erode over time and these eroded parts form air particles. These poisonous particles threaten the health of the citizens and environment.”

Tanha said about the benefits of green tires: "The poisonous materials are removed from green tires and this means less environmental pollutions, wastes and also less danger for the health of the citizens.”

Answering the question about whether the domestic manufacturers have the necessary infrastructures to build green tires, the spokesman explained: "Yes. They have the necessary infrastructures to build these tires and recently a company succeeded to produce this kind of tire. Green Tires became a standard in Europe and our producers are looking to produce them too. Our only problem is the technological science. We must do the technology transfer and increase our compounding science.”

He added: "Some companies are looking for this technology and some others are negotiating with foreign companies to buy this technology from them.”

He emphasized: "Now the support of automakers like Renault Pars will create a good relationship between them and domestic tire makers and will help them to reach the technological sources sooner than we expect. We welcome this idea.”

Considering the efforts of tire makers and the support of Renault Pars, soon we can expect to see the green tires rolling on Iran roads.

Khodrocar reporter and translator: Maziyar Jafarieh