Statistics are showing that the production rate of dual burners has decreased for 45 percent this year. This matter gets important if we know that smart fuel cards are coming back and gasoline may get expensive and dual burners will get popular but the production of these cars has reduced in the recent months and even stopped in some production lines. The government hasn’t any plan about these cars.
News ID: 3456    Publish Date : 2018/11/30

Some of technical inspection centers in Tehran are facing a new thing called rental catalysts which are illegal and they are for ditching technical inspection.
News ID: 3455    Publish Date : 2018/11/29

Vehicle importation is forbidden but most of import infringement cases are under investigation maybe with a better decision and more supervision, customers were not blindfold now.
News ID: 3454    Publish Date : 2018/11/28

The deadline for 85 vehicle standards is getting closer and standard organization said they won’t have any off but these days there are some rumors about removing air bag and ABS break from cars.
News ID: 3453    Publish Date : 2018/11/27

Vehicle price increment will definitely affect the market but experts believe that if prices be logical and market well supplied then the market won’t have turbulence.
News ID: 3452    Publish Date : 2018/11/26

In the past recent months activists in transportation section faced tire problem. This happened while the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade approved the permission of importing tire but problems are still here.
News ID: 3451    Publish Date : 2018/11/25

Dreaming days of JCPOA and happiness of officials and experts is not forgettable but this happiness didn’t last long and after 2 years as the Trump came nothing happened to auto industry.
News ID: 3449    Publish Date : 2018/11/23

The condition of Iran’s auto industry is not very well because of sanctions and currency turbulence. While automakers are waiting for instruction of price increment the president of commission on article 90 said it’s better for the country to close auto industry.
News ID: 3448    Publish Date : 2018/11/22

It’s been a while that trading of imported vehicles decreased and now when the pricing of local vehicles are going toward market adjustment organization, the market of imported vehicles doesn’t have former heat.
News ID: 3446    Publish Date : 2018/11/21

The ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade announced the conditions of importing diplomatic cars but while since the beginning of the year all vehicle importation banned is these conditions really necessary?
News ID: 3445    Publish Date : 2018/11/20

After months of pricing dilemma finally announced that in the beginning of the week new prices will establish but now after 2 days passed the week new prices are not announced. Now customers and sellers are thinking about whether they should buy or sell a car or not?
News ID: 3443    Publish Date : 2018/11/19

The potential of producing bus has remained unseen in Iran and because of that importation increased and most producers are closed.
News ID: 3442    Publish Date : 2018/11/18

Automakers wait is over and new prices for local cars are coming in next week. Now the question is what would be the reaction of society and will new prices could save automakers and part manufacturers from current condition?
News ID: 3440    Publish Date : 2018/11/16

In the past several months the auto industry was in uncertainty and pricing is handing over different organizations but finally its destiny is not clear. .
News ID: 3438    Publish Date : 2018/11/14

In the first half of July, after closing SABTARESH, vehicle importation ban and USA exit the JCPOA, importer companies decided to shrink their companies and now according to secretary of vehicle importers association near 60 percent of companies closed in the past 5 months.
News ID: 3437    Publish Date : 2018/11/13

Exhibitions are a place to show the important achievements and power of any industry and it’s also a chance to show the future of an industry. among this, component exhibition is not an exemption. This year part exhibition is a little bit different because foreign partners have left and new partners looking for a chance to have relation with Iranian companies.
News ID: 3436    Publish Date : 2018/11/12

Two weeks has passed since Reza Rahamani became the minister of Industry, Mine and Trade ministry and the auto industry needs more specific plans. He talked about a couple of plans before becoming the minister but the auto industry waiting for more plans. Scrapping worn-out cars and exemption of domestic automakers while importation banned is one of important matters.
News ID: 3435    Publish Date : 2018/11/11

These days IKCO and SAIPA are not very well. After importation ban and turbulence of currency rate now absorbing finance for continuing the work has become a problem for them.
News ID: 3434    Publish Date : 2018/11/10

There is no doubt about the daily development of economy systems and on the other side they need new developing markets, new improving technologies as boosts. The auto industry and public transportation is not an exception and they need to improve alongside other technologies.
News ID: 3433    Publish Date : 2018/11/09

The plan of organizing the auto market was called to be a way to save the auto market and help the government to manage this industry and market but the plan still remain in the parliament and it changes every day.
News ID: 3432    Publish Date : 2018/11/08