News ID: 3443
Publish Date : 19 November 2018 - 09:41

Auto Market is waiting for a decision/ Customers should wait for more

After months of pricing dilemma finally announced that in the beginning of the week new prices will establish but now after 2 days passed the week new prices are not announced. Now customers and sellers are thinking about whether they should buy or sell a car or not?
Khodrocar – Former deputy of Industry minister said that new prices will be announce in the beginning of the week but nothing happened at all. Now since the morning of Saturday everyone is waiting for real prices and trade in a normal market. In the past months different things happened to make a huge gap between market and factory price and prices boomed.

"The stagnation in market was because of low offers from factories. In the recent weeks market has stocked and no trading happens because everyone looking for new prices.” Saeed Motameni, president of dealer and exhibitioner union told khodrocar reporter. "In the recent months price of local and foreign cars boomed and local vehicles’ price increased because offers lowered and now all dealings are with free market price.”
"Those who bought cars whole sale with real low prices had the most profit in the current condition. With new prices the market will get out of any situation and you can have profit.” He added. "The hope is after finding prices cars should be offer again.”

Ahmad Nemat Bakhsh, secretary of car makers association once said that people should wait till the new prices announce because new prices  are set for people and also cut the hands of brokers during the game.

Khodrocar Reporter : Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani