News ID: 3458
Publish Date : 02 December 2018 - 08:38

Mega Project of Scrapping Moves with Low Gear/ Key Plan with a Key in the Lock

Only 3 months left to the anniversary of super project of scrapping heavy vehicles. The plan of scrapping 202 thousand worn out vehicle till the end of 12th government and replace them with new ones. The plan didn’t finish and now it’s going to stop.
Khodrocar – No allocation of sources, increase of currency rate and heavy vehicle price rise broke the plans of the government. News show that plan of hard technical inspection for heavy vehicles is replacing the plan of renovating the whole fleet.

"The plan went on for a while and the government supplied the budget of 20 thousand passenger and freight heavy vehicles but two things stopped the project. First transferring money is getting complicate and big part of the project is related to CKD cars and it was planned to be done by European companies before sanctions and after sanctions with Chinese.” Hasan Karimi Sanjari, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"Cooperating with Chinese companies has faced the money transferring problem and second point is some of these companies can’t have partnership with Iranian automakers due to sanctions. Therefore, the important obstacle in front of this plan was sanctions nevertheless the government supplied the budget of part of the project.” He added.

"Worn-out heavy vehicles are dangerous for the metropolitan logistic so they should be renovate very soon but when the government is not okay during sanction the chance of replacing them is near zero. They announce replacement plans instead of renovating the fleet to make them a bit safer.” He said.

"The plan of periodic inspection could be helpful but the reality is most of these cars are not working well in mechanical parts, environmental parts and because of worn-out components they are not safe in the roads. So the government is trying to lower the risk of accident by these plans.” He continued.  

According to what CEO of Tehran inspection center said in the past 2 months 1344 heavy vehicles has been tested along roads. Among them 16 percent didn’t have the technical inspection certificate and 26 percent of them have the certificate but lost didn’t pass for the second time and it isn’t a good state at all. Vahid Hosseini, secretary of national workgroup of lowering air pollution said that diesels are worst and they are polluting the air otherwise they have the inspection certificate.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani