Together with the MIT Energy Initiative, Dalia asked 100.000 people around the world how they travel from place to place.
News ID: 3431    Publish Date : 2018/11/07

The plan of organizing auto market announced in April by the parliament and they negotiated several times about it. The plan has changed name according to the critical situation and it is plan of organizing auto industry and it will go to the commission of parliament. One of the changes in this plan is bringing tariffs of hybrid cars to zero for importation.
News ID: 3430    Publish Date : 2018/11/06

More than 4 months passed since the importation banned and 3 months passed since the sanctions restored and the importation condition is still unclear. According to the law the importation depends on some conditions but it is still unclear.
News ID: 3428    Publish Date : 2018/11/04

“Liberalizing vehicle price, the only way to save the auto industry and part manufacturing.” Repeated sentence which we hear from activists but it has been postponed. Now the question is will the final decision made for this matter after the new minister take the control?
News ID: 3427    Publish Date : 2018/11/03

Car challenges of the ministry haven’t decreased since last year but they became visible every day in new form. The new challenge is renovating the heavy vehicle fleet which started very well but has lots of problems after the sanctions, shortage of parts and importation ban. Now the question is after the next week when second phase of USA sanctions began what would be the decision of new minister of Industry, Mine and Trade?
News ID: 3426    Publish Date : 2018/11/01

Every year as we get near to the cold days of the year different plans announce for to control the air pollution and prevent the increase of emission in the air. The main question is do these part time plans really beneficial for the pollution or not?
News ID: 3424    Publish Date : 2018/11/01

The story of pricing vehicles doesn’t have an end. Increment of first material price, automakers debts and reducing the value of automotive group shares are showing the importance of price increment for automakers.
News ID: 3423    Publish Date : 2018/10/31

Iran’s car market was a profitable place for foreign partners before sanctions because they increased their partnership and tried to start joint venture production lines in Iran. Now the question is what is their market in Iran after the new sanctions and suspension of their activity with local producers?
News ID: 3422    Publish Date : 2018/10/30

The value of automakers’ shares in stocks is decreasing and shareholders are really worry about the future but the question is what is the reason of this decrement and why the government is not doing anything about it?
News ID: 3421    Publish Date : 2018/10/29

About 1 year ago, it was said that the condition of cooperation between local and foreign part makers are localization up to 40 percent and at March the contract signed. But since that day we didn’t hear about the contract although local and international decisions make the delay in this matter.
News ID: 3420    Publish Date : 2018/10/28

Reza Rahmani is the supervisor of Industry, Mine and Trade ministry and he is the choice of the president to be the next minister of this ministry but is he able to face all the challenges?
News ID: 3418    Publish Date : 2018/10/27

Short time remain to the second phase of USA sanctions and vehicle importation ban has remained undecided but most experts believe that we have to wait for the new sanctions then decide about the future because ban of vehicle importation is not the dead end of Iran’s auto industry.
News ID: 3416    Publish Date : 2018/10/26

The useless effort of part makers and laziness of the government are continuing, the efforts which may lead to higher production but government’s obstacles are preventing it. Part makers are calling these obstacles, local sanctions. The continuation of these sanctions will destroy the auto industry. What is the best way to remove the limitations?
News ID: 3415    Publish Date : 2018/10/25

Unlike anywhere in the world especially developed countries the government is leading the auto industry in Iran and the shadow of their decision is on the activity of two major automakers but the question is, isn’t it late to privatize the auto industry?
News ID: 3413    Publish Date : 2018/10/24

Over the past years some companies without any license from central bank called themselves leasing but they were scammer. This matter got bolder after the tension in auto market when prices increased.
News ID: 3412    Publish Date : 2018/10/23

The start of auto industry with the new minister in August of 2017 was excellent and everyone thought that records of production will be broken very soon but now after a year passed those days all wishes about this industry are vanished. Now by replacing the minister, auto industry hopes to stop the reduction path.
News ID: 3409    Publish Date : 2018/10/22

The story of fuel consumption allocation is now in the street of auto industry and some thinks that by quoting the fuel then mid-range vehicles will be more popular and auto market will be better. Now the question is if the government announces its latest decision then what will happen to the auto industry?
News ID: 3408    Publish Date : 2018/10/21

Vehicle price increment for local products has become a hot topic in the auto industry and automakers effort for making the prices real due to the dollar price increment and first materials left resultless. Pricing has become a challenge since changing the pricing organization from national competition council to consumer support organization has been said. Is this changing have a result?
News ID: 3405    Publish Date : 2018/10/20

The statistics of the first half of the year in Iran’s auto industry show the reductions in production and importation which could be worrying in the long time so some experts think that the rest of the year may continue the same way but former president of SAIPA believes that by changing the approach we can save the industry.
News ID: 3403    Publish Date : 2018/10/19

Vehicle production in September decreased for 46 percent compare to last year and in the first half of the year this stat is on minus 15 percent. There is worry that if it continues then automakers can’t fulfill their promise for the presale cars.
News ID: 3402    Publish Date : 2018/10/18