News ID: 3436
Publish Date : 12 November 2018 - 09:20

Exhibitions, Opportunity to showcase international pressure

Exhibitions are a place to show the important achievements and power of any industry and it’s also a chance to show the future of an industry. among this, component exhibition is not an exemption. This year part exhibition is a little bit different because foreign partners have left and new partners looking for a chance to have relation with Iranian companies.
Khodrocar – The 13th exhibition of vehicle components will start today while 3 months ago sanction against Iran’s auto industry started and a week ago second phase of sanctions began but manufacturers didn’t stop working and put effort to supply the auto industry and even participate in the exhibition with all problems.

With a look at the table of participants we can see that foreign exhibitors are participating in the exhibition. Some believe that the number of foreign participants should be more but after hard sanctions and international restrictions this number is hopeful.

Now the question is while part industry is struggling with losing human resource, bankrupt and high costs of production then how an exhibition could be helpful for this industry to remove threat?

"Presence of part makers in in the exhibition is a tribune to talk about problems and showing the ability. In the 13th exhibition of component about 700 Iranian companies and 200 foreign companies are participating. Some foreign participants are from China, Korea, Turkey and a few European companies.” Maziyar Bigloo, secretary of vehicle part manufacturing association told khodrocar reporter.

"Current exhibition is holding on a hard time and it could be a tribune to say their problems like pricing and lack of supplying first materials. This exhibition could be a great chance for manufacturers to show their technologies.” He added.

Since the beginning of the year part manufacturers struggled with different problems also some believe that this kind of exhibitions could reduce the problems of the industry. part makers and auto makers are strategic and other industries are related to this industry.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MIr Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani