News ID: 3456
Publish Date : 30 November 2018 - 09:32

Dual Burners Production Decrease by Government Disregard/ Will CNG Burners Get Popular?

Statistics are showing that the production rate of dual burners has decreased for 45 percent this year. This matter gets important if we know that smart fuel cards are coming back and gasoline may get expensive and dual burners will get popular but the production of these cars has reduced in the recent months and even stopped in some production lines. The government hasn’t any plan about these cars.
Khodrocar – Experts believe that the end of Gas burners has come and big companies are working on hybrid and electric cars but we don’t have infrastructures of hybrids in Iran and producing gas burners is still beneficial due to rich gas resources.

At the time of Ali Akbar Mehrabian, dual burners were in attention and biggest national project to produce CNG capsules began but after a while the project stopped because infrastructures weren’t ready and the project of turning half of cars to dual burners failed and till now the situation of these cars didn’t get well. Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade is not working on this matter at the moment.

"According to approval of economy council 140 thousand dual burners has to be produced and according to section 12 of the law of eliminating barriers to production the price difference optimize fuel consumption should be paid to automakers. The dual-burning ceiling is 140,000 units and is set to provide up to a maximum of 17,000 units for public transport and heavy vehicles. If the government pay subsidy for automakers to produce dual burners they naturally would be eager to produce more of these cars.” Ardeshir Dadras, chairman of CNG association told khodrocar reporter.

"Another important thing is to produce CNG base cars and be self-sufficient in producing platform and have the technology of these cars in Iran.” He added.

"The courage of government to produce cars has decreased. Among all light vehicles 25 percent of them should be dual burners but automakers are not following this law and the ministry of Industry has no supervision on this matter.” He said.

Before all Hasan Karimi Sanjari told Khodrocar that Iran has a great potential in producing dual burners but these cars have high engine depreciation, overhaul, as well as a lot of maintenance and care, which is very important for the consumer. However in the current situation people may want to have a dual burner according to what will happen to gasoline and its price.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani