It’s been a long time that imported cars are stored in the custom of ports and different whether condition are hurting cars and this will cost a lot to overhaul these cars.
News ID: 3488    Publish Date : 2018/12/30

The bus fleet of our country is worn-out and we hear different bad news in or out of cities about bus crashes. According to statistics bus production has reached to zero in this month and there is no way to import bus for renovating the fleet.
News ID: 3487    Publish Date : 2018/12/29

While it’s been said that production increment will reduce vehicle price but costs increment and supplying components put the price reduction in a shadow.
News ID: 3486    Publish Date : 2018/12/28

It’s been a while that imported cars are stuck in the custom and can’t have permission to enter the country. These cars are parked in the customs and this can be harmful for them and they will have physical and mechanical problems.
News ID: 3483    Publish Date : 2018/12/25

Kunlun bank as a way of transaction between Iran and China can’t work with auto industry due to sanctions and we must wait to see what will happen to the part and first material supplement.
News ID: 3482    Publish Date : 2018/12/24

Pricing and supplying car has become a problem and automakers are waiting for official price increment from the government but there is a question, do automakers increase the quality equal to their price increment request?
News ID: 3480    Publish Date : 2018/12/22

National Competition council which put away from pricing cars in the former minister period now entered the pricing again by sending the instruction of exclusive cars’ price to the high council of economy coordination.
News ID: 3479    Publish Date : 2018/12/21

Strategies and decision of the government about importation has changed occasionally and we are seeing contradiction in the instructions which made importers unhappy.
News ID: 3478    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

In the vision of 2025 (1404 Iranian Calendar) Iran’s auto industry should be first of Middle East and 11th of the world but important matter is how much does this vision based of realistic economy facts?
News ID: 3475    Publish Date : 2018/12/17

Auto industry is a strategic industry in the country and in the sanction condition it face with serious challenges and it needs support and right policy of the government to continue living.
News ID: 3474    Publish Date : 2018/12/16

The government had difficulties in predicting the income from taxes of vehicle importation and their predictions didn’t happen by vast differences.
News ID: 3472    Publish Date : 2018/12/14

According to the international experts the war between China and USA will effect of automakers and technologies of both countries and third party countries. The question is what is the effect of this tariff war on Iran and china transactions and especially auto industry?
News ID: 3471    Publish Date : 2018/12/13

Some importers companies are ditching after sales services in the shadow of sanctions and they are nit offering any services in the time of guarantee.
News ID: 3470    Publish Date : 2018/12/12

As the Kenlun bank of China start cooperation with Iranian banks now we have to see if the auto industry is will use this chance.
News ID: 3469    Publish Date : 2018/12/11

Price of some IKCO’s products has increased in silence of the consumer protection organization and it seems that this increment happened to check the auto market.
News ID: 3468    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

The increase of final price for tire manufacturers in any types makes them to request for 30 percent price increment but it is not clear whether the consumers protection organization will accept their request or not.
News ID: 3467    Publish Date : 2018/12/09

Vehicle price increment would relief most of their problems but on the other hand people buying power will reduce and they will face serious problems in selling department.
News ID: 3463    Publish Date : 2018/12/05

There is a possibility for vehicle price increment in near future and there are some predictions about the increase of gasoline price in budget bill of next year. The concurrency of these predictions would have effects on market.
News ID: 3460    Publish Date : 2018/12/04

The budget bill is going to the parliament while the income of vehicle importation is noun in it and that means next year vehicle importation would be ban too.
News ID: 3459    Publish Date : 2018/12/03

Only 3 months left to the anniversary of super project of scrapping heavy vehicles. The plan of scrapping 202 thousand worn out vehicle till the end of 12th government and replace them with new ones. The plan didn’t finish and now it’s going to stop.
News ID: 3458    Publish Date : 2018/12/02