News ID: 3490
Publish Date : 01 January 2019 - 08:29

Shortage of Components; New Challenge of Auto Repairmen/ Serious Tension Waiting for the Market

Shortage of auto parts in the last days of the year has made different challenges for the repairmen union.
Khodrocar – expensive components in the past months made problems in the market and these days shortage of auto parts has made challenges for repairmen. Imported components are stocked behind the doors of customs and don’t have permission to clear and people are using second hand components. This will be very difficult for people in the last days of the year.  

"Components importers have a hard way to get NIMAY currency. Those who bought components and paid for it before now can’t clear their products form customs and it made a big gap in the market.” Alireza Nik Aeen, president of auto repairmen union told khodrocar reporter.

"New Year is coming and cars need an overhaul for trips and lack of components became more important. If this shortage continue then we will have serious problems in coming months.” He added.

"In the section of special vehicles which can’t import components for them they will use capotage and send cars to out of Iran for repair. We have shortage in diesel and busses components. Drivers are going to turkey for repairing.” He said.

"All of these challenges had made problem for the auto repairmen union because cars are stock in the repair shops while there is no component. Alongside all challenges some poor quality parts are distributing in the market without guarantee.” He added.

"We ask governmental officials to help us in this situation. Officials should know the importance of New Year and it needs prediction to supply all components. The sanctions are local and components are stocked in the customs.” Nik Aeen said.

"In this situation people are complaining about the repair fee but the pressure is from the shortage of components. While there is no company to guarantee components then repairmen should guarantee them so we have to increase fee to cover costs.” He continued.

"Using second-hand components is wrong and we experienced the crash of bus in university because of that. In these cases we see that repairing needed 1 million IRRs but they paid the driver just 500 thousand IRRs and he couldn’t do the standard repairing. Second-hand component is a poison for the car.” He said.

The supply of auto parts has become one of the basic needs of these day-to-day markets, and the facilitation of the process of clearance of parts, due to the fact that we are approaching the end of the year, should be put on the agenda. If not, the process of moving drivers to repair cars to neighboring countries, etc., will increase in the future, and we may even see an increase in car accidents and accidents due to the use of non-quality or second-hand parts during the Eid.

Khodorocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani