News ID: 3470
Publish Date : 12 December 2018 - 09:34

After Sale Services Shrank in Shadow of Sanctions/ Companies Ditch Services

Some importers companies are ditching after sales services in the shadow of sanctions and they are nit offering any services in the time of guarantee.
Khodrocar - Ban of vehicle importation has challenged the importer companies. Offering after sales services is the new problem of these companies. Supplying vehicle components and clearing from customs they are facing different problems. Among these importer companies are using sanctions to ditch after sale services and customers should pay for all expenses. Meanwhile, according to the law companies should offer 2 years guarantee an 10 years warranty.

"Companies have to fulfill their promises about guarantee as their said in the contract. For example if they said 5 years guarantee they should do their promises and don’t reduce it.” Ali Shoukohi, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"Producers are the same and should offer the full guarantee. But now companies are not obeying the law and that is illegal. If they are against the law then it’s because of the lack of supervision from the responsible organizations.” He said.

"Shortage of components is something else. It means that importing, supplying components and offering after sales services has got harder due to the problems.” He added.

"The government can make instructions and more laws to help the importation and importers companies. The government should ease the importation of components because these companies can’t import needed parts.” He continued.

In the context of sanctions affecting the automobile industry, and the import ban has also hit the importing companies, it appears that the government should monitor and facilitate the conditions for customers of these companies.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani