News ID: 3468
Publish Date : 10 December 2018 - 09:05

Market Investigation like Consumer Protection Organization/ Pricing is the Second Priority of Auto Industry

Price of some IKCO’s products has increased in silence of the consumer protection organization and it seems that this increment happened to check the auto market.
Khodrocar – Price of 4 IKCO’s products which were higher than 450 million IRRs has increased and it seems that this price increment is not illegal because pricing under 450 million IRRs cars is a duty of national competition council.

The interesting point about this price increment is that new prices are done by a pricing plan according to side market, it means that products are priced 5 percent lower than the market price. This formula was predicted before and activists of auto industry emphasized on it.

Among this consumer protection organization which got responsible to price cars seemed to be okay with this formula and this organization hasn’t make a specific decision about this increment. They said we will investigate and if the price increment was illegal then we will face the.

From this comment we can find out that consumer protection organization likes this formula and want to see the reaction of the price increment then increase all other cars’ prices with the same formula.

"These cars weren’t on pricing list and we want to observe the market, if it didn’t make prices to cool down then we will be on automakers side. We have to see the result of this pricing in market. If the pricing decrease the market price then it is approved by our organization.” Abbas Tabesh, president of consumer protection organization said.

"Reality is we all know that car price should rise and it is not deniable. New price could be agreed on a logical number. But the society would be under pressure after price increment and it seems that price increment has been prevented till now none of governmental officials want to give this news to people.” Amir Hossein Kakaei, an expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.  

"The government bought time for themselves after they changed the responsible of vehicle pricing because prices are clear to be rise but I believe that auto industry has important matters than pricing.” He added.

"Everyone focused on pricing but there are more important topics in this industry like investing for production line, finding a way to supply components. Right now, production is the main thing and pricing should be in second.” He said. "In this economic war should sacrifice, and the price of the car should be applied as soon as possible, and the authorities are taking steps to meet the production problems and demands of the people.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani