News ID: 3491
Publish Date : 02 January 2019 - 09:13

The Collapse of a Business/ Importer Companies are Dying

There is no day that we don’t hear about the closure of an importer company. Companies which had a hard competition for sale and absorbing specialist human resources.
Khodrocar – Decisions of officials in the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade in the past years had made problems for the auto industry. Bad decisions have vanished the importing incomes for the government and employment of this section has faced challenges.

Unemployment of importer companies became a repeating news these days. Some companies couldn’t pay costs and denied investment in Iran then immigrate to other countries.

Negative effects of importing vehicles is vast and don’t limit to the decrease of government’s income or challenges of employment in importers company but it has effects on other sections too.

For example, the section of scrapping vehicles has faced different problems after car importation ban. Worn out cars had a prefect plan after a long time but car importation ban changed this matter and now we are seeing the stock of worn out cars in scrap yards or worse than that these cars are riding in cities.

This matter is more important than anything else because the costs of health of people is more than costs of vehicle importation even in the current critical moment. Beside air pollution and closure of scrap yards, one of most important effects of this decision is disappointment of investors to invest in auto industry because this kinds of decisions will increase the risk of investment and no one like to put his money on an industry in this situation.

"Near 4000 layoffs happened among importer companies which shows the condition. Importers tried to have interaction with the government but officials are not solving any problem and right now near 20 thousand billion IRRs finance of these companies stocked in customs.” Dadfar, secretary of car importers association told khodrocar.

Alongside these problems effects of vehicle importation ban will be visible in quality of local productions and it can be proven in the recent review of ISQI which shows local cars haven’t had development in safety and even it decreased in recent months.

What will happen if this condition continue? It’s easy to answer the question because importer companies can’t keep continuing activity and will close then customers will remain with their cars which need parts and after sale services.

"New Year is coming and cars need an overhaul for trips and lack of components became more important. If this shortage continue then we will have serious problems in coming months.” Alireza Nik Aeen, president of auto repairmen union told khodrocar reporter.

"In the section of special vehicles which can’t import components for them they will use capotage and send cars to out of Iran for repair. We have shortage in diesel and busses components. Drivers are going to turkey for repairing.” He said.

Now we have to wait and see what is the decision of new minister of Industry, Mine and Trade then when will he take an action to solve problems and does he has the ability and authority to do anything or not?

Reza Hosseini – CEO of Khodrocar and Sanatkar