News ID: 3488
Publish Date : 30 December 2018 - 09:33

Reviewing the Last Condition of Stored Cars in Customs/ Who is Responsible for the High Cost of Car’s Overhaul?

It’s been a long time that imported cars are stored in the custom of ports and different whether condition are hurting cars and this will cost a lot to overhaul these cars.
Khodrocar – imported cars are still waiting for the governmental decisions and there is no news about their clearance. These cars will have problem after clearing from the custom due to long time storage. Mehdi Dadfar, secretary of car importers association told Khodrocar that the government is responsible for any hurts to the cars because it is their decision and importer can’t do anything about it.

According to him, tires, dashboard, seats, front window, steering wheel and electric and engine parts are the main parts which need repair after the storage. It’s been said that importers will overhaul cars to prevent customer loss but repairing all of these parts will cost a lot and it seems the government should pay for it.

Beside all problems that will happen to the car’s tire, dashboard, battery, start ignition, electric components and other parts, stored cars will be behind their current models and it will reduce their price a lot.

"Producers have instruction about storing and keeping the car and it has to be done if the car needs to be stored. All companies have their own instruction to keep the cars safe in storage. The instruction will help the customer to keep his car safe for a long time and have fewer problems.” Nader Vahab Aghaei, expert of after sale services told khodrocar reporter.  

 "Companies were doing the instruction before but now when the cars will be stored in the customs for longer time then it costs more for companies to repair components. Beside obvious problems there are some inner issues which should be done before delivering the car to customers. For example, all plastic parts of radiator and other sectors of the engine should be replaced or they may cause serious problems for the car.” He added.

 "All wires and cables may be eaten by mice and during time it will make different problems for the car but it cost a lot for the importer and they are ditching these parts. Totally, components should be repaired and replaced or it should be a responsible for this matter and pay all costs.” He said.  

"Cars are getting tested once before entering the country and not all of them will be tested. Most of these 85 standards are got from these cars. Since mice eat wires and standard safety devices then cars won’t be the same safe and it may cause serious safety problems in all over the country.” He said.

The expert in the automotive and after-sales service believes that if at the same time these cars are to be discharged, then they have to wait for a customs assessment to test them one by one and all the disadvantages of these vehicles must be overcome. But the basic question is: What institution will be responsible for the cost of these repairs and address the technical disadvantages caused by the suspension of these cars?

Is the responsibility for these costs going to be borne by the importer who has suffered losses at the customs stop at the customs and maybe there is no fault in this case, or is the government going to pay the cost of this vehicle depreciation? However, a person or entity should be responsible for the cost, which is unlikely to be under the burden of this issue unless all of these costs are written to the customer and, at the end of the customer, is to pay this money.

Khodrocar Trasnlator: Amin Zamani