News ID: 3475
Publish Date : 17 December 2018 - 08:47

How much the Vision of Auto Industry is Realistic?/ Can Iran be the 11th Vehicle Producer in the World?

In the vision of 2025 (1404 Iranian Calendar) Iran’s auto industry should be first of Middle East and 11th of the world but important matter is how much does this vision based of realistic economy facts?
Khodrocar – 4 years ago document of goals and development policies of auto industry in the vision of 2025 and the ways to achieve it in the plan of 20 years of development in the part and auto industries approved by the vehicle policy council then announced.

This document contained key points and topics which could lead Iran to become a famous country in auto industry in a long term. According to the vision Iran should be first of Middle East, 5th of Asia and 11th of the world in auto production.

When the document was written auto industry was in good shape and production was increased and it was predicted that vehicle production will reach 2 million a year. In the past year the hope was getting better and production lines revived but at the beginning of this year and after sanctions first material, components and other stuff faced problems and reaching 11th position got harder.

"The 20 years vision plan which has written 4 years ago was logical at that time but now condition of auto industry has changed and the plan needs to be reviewed.” Abdollah Babaei, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"It is not logical to write a vision plan years ago and wait for it to happen exactly in the next 20 years because economy, equipment, systems and infrastructures will change during this time and even competitors are not stable too.” He added. "All countries are making their plan according to the available potentials and global economy condition and they change their plan many times.”

"We need to research to see if the plan of 2025 can happen or not and experts should work on it. Also it depends on policies of the industry and strategies should change over time to find the best result.” He said.

According to what has said and according to the current condition of the country vehicle industry visionary plan has to change and review to sync with current conditions. After that we can say the country has exact and logical long term vision.

Khodrocar Reporter: Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani