The Privatization Organization has published the list of 304 companies subject to transfer in 1402. The names of Iran Khodro and Saipa are also in this list. Although the pricing of the car and the shares of the car manufacturers are still undecided, however, the government has put the transfer of the car manufacturers' shares on the agenda, as in previous years. What is clear is that car pricing and Tudli shares can be considered as the main nodes for the transfer of car manufacturing shares.
News ID: 4615    Publish Date : 2023/07/04

The British car industry is warning government that “rapid action” is needed to secure the long term future of what is still a major part of the economy, and a major employer and exporter.
News ID: 4470    Publish Date : 2022/11/30

Lack of oversight of the country's automotive industry has led to the sale of expensive cars, hoarding, market integration and rent on car imports. These are the questions that the Minister of Industry must have a convincing answers for them.
News ID: 3214    Publish Date : 2018/08/31

Car registration is banned until further notice and no vehicle will be imported anymore. The decision that the government believes is order to support the domestic goods. But what are consequences of this action?
News ID: 2874    Publish Date : 2018/06/24

Major companies are investing large amount of moneys for producing hybrid vehicles in order to reduce the duel combustion and meanwhile, even the import of this cars are facing difficulties in Iran.
News ID: 2847    Publish Date : 2018/06/20

Renovation of worn-out commercial vehicles has been just started in Iran and suddenly new sanctions came and made number of major foreign companies to leave Iran. What happens to commercial vehicles fleet if Europeans leave Iran’s market?
News ID: 2802    Publish Date : 2018/06/11

Worn out trucks are one of the main reason for air pollution in Iran and the government have decided to renovate this vehicles with facilitations.
News ID: 2656    Publish Date : 2018/05/22

Major global automakers are moving toward developing and producing electric vehicles but Iran does not show any inclination for producing these vehicles.
News ID: 2616    Publish Date : 2018/05/16

Exactly when the imports started breathing and the foreign automakers were up to start investing in Iran, the sudden decision of government ruined everything.
News ID: 2579    Publish Date : 2018/05/11

Two weeks ago, due to an approval the Islamic Parliament of Iran decided to organize the vehicle market but after two weeks, nothing happened indeed.
News ID: 2544    Publish Date : 2018/05/06

The parliament's approval for organizing the vehicle market has been approved but this sudden decision does not have any benefits and the brokers will make the most of these kinds of decisions.
News ID: 2453    Publish Date : 2018/04/24

The Islamic Parliament again want to set a chairman for the vehicle market but according to the past experiences, this just makes everything worse and the prices will increase again.
News ID: 2437    Publish Date : 2018/04/22

After the government announced constant exchange rates for the foreign currencies, still the part manufacturers are having difficulty with it and they are buying their raw materials 30 percent higher than the current exchange rate.
News ID: 2388    Publish Date : 2018/04/15

Yesterday, minister of industry, mine and trade announce that according to the government ’s new approval, import tariffs for hybrid vehicles will be reduced.
News ID: 2383    Publish Date : 2018/04/14

Consider that this year is has been named “Support for Iranian Goods”, it seems that the automotive industry will have prolific and laborious year. Now the question is that what kinds of support does this industry need?
News ID: 2319    Publish Date : 2018/04/05

It was about forty days ago that Hassan Rouhani announced a plan to renovate the road transport fleet and said that 200 thousand commercial vehicles will be renovated.
News ID: 2191    Publish Date : 2018/03/18

Less than 10 days remaining until the end of the year. The government promised the part manufacturers to make the situation better for them but nothing have happened indeed.
News ID: 2098    Publish Date : 2018/03/08

Every government in Iran have had special plans to achieve a good fuel quality but every year they talked about different excuses like lack of budget, fuel import and lack of infrastructures that didn’t let them to achieve their goal.
News ID: 2033    Publish Date : 2018/02/28

Unlike what people think, vehicle pricing by the government prevents the improvement of car qualities and the competitiveness of the automotive industry.
News ID: 1973    Publish Date : 2018/02/21

The government ’s decision about launching the clear air law requires the cooperation of automakers, importers and car scrapping centers. There are 2.5 million cars waiting in the queue to be scrapped and all organizations should work together because none of them are able to renovate the car fleet lonely.
News ID: 1961    Publish Date : 2018/02/20