News ID: 2191
Publish Date : 18 March 2018 - 09:15

Government’s Plan for Road Transport Fleet Renovation

It was about forty days ago that Hassan Rouhani announced a plan to renovate the road transport fleet and said that 200 thousand commercial vehicles will be renovated.
Khodrocar – In his last speech, Hasan Rouhani promised to renovate the road transport fleet. The fleet is divided into commercial and passenger division and the average age of its vehicle are about 40 to 50 years.

Of course, in recent years, some manufacturers and importers of diesel vehicles have made some commercial vehicles up to date, but they have never reached 200 thousand vehicles.

This is the government’s solution to reduce the pollutants of heavy and commercial vehicles and the companies welcomed it in a way that they want to be a part of this plan.

The minister of industry, mine and trade believes that this is the biggest renovation plan which is very important and it will make noticeable changes in road transport fleet, reduction of air pollution and fuel consumption.

Is the government able to invest 110 trillion IRRs for this renovation or it needs the help of the private sector?

Mohsen Salehinia, deputy minister of industry, mine and trade told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Forty days ago, government started the implementation of the renovation of road transport fleet and organizations like National Development Fund, Ministry of Roads & Urban Development, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Industry, mine and trade and National Iranian Oil Company participated.”

He adds: "All organizations support this plan of renovation.”

It seems that the government is not alone in this plan and the other ministries, organizations and the companies will support it.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh