News ID: 2544
Publish Date : 06 May 2018 - 09:15

Vehicle Market Organization Increased the Tensions

Two weeks ago, due to an approval the Islamic Parliament of Iran decided to organize the vehicle market but after two weeks, nothing happened indeed.
Khodrocar – From the first day that the Islamic Parliament of Iran decided to enter the vehicle market, many experts believed that it not a good idea at all and said the entrance of parliament and the government make everything worse.

It was set that the approval must be analyzed during the meetings with carmakers and members of parliament, but after two weeks, no meeting was held. This is while some experts believe that this issue, bolds the side and black market.

What was the effect of this sudden decision on market tensions? What happened to the parliament’s approval? And which pricing method should the part and vehicle manufacturers choose?

Vali Maleki, a member of industries and mines’ commission of the parliament tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "This approval has several positive point. For example the tariffs on imported vehicles increased very quickly during the last months and this approval can control that.”

He adds: "Next week, commission of industries and mines of parliament will hold a meeting with the presence of carmakers and importers, MPs and representatives of Customs in order to analyze the fluctuations of pricing in the vehicle market.”

Maleki mentions the problems about car qualities and states: "Globally, we have serious issues with the quality of our cars but we must not give wrong information to the people, too.”

He emphasizes: "The economy of our country is under the influence of emotions. First, we must consider the number of accidents, frequency of consumption, quality of roads and then we must analyze the quality of cars. This must be realized step by step.”

Next week will be an important one and we will realize the meeting is going to be held in order to solve the problems or to determine a culprit for this situation.

If the vehicle organization plan will not be implemented soon, the situation will get worse and worse and maybe someday it will turn to a disaster.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh