News ID: 3214
Publish Date : 31 August 2018 - 09:35

What Are the Reasons for the Minister of Industry to Defend His Impeachment?

Lack of oversight of the country's automotive industry has led to the sale of expensive cars, hoarding, market integration and rent on car imports. These are the questions that the Minister of Industry must have a convincing answers for them.
Khodrocar – Impeachment plan of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade has started since last week in the Islamic Parliament of Iran for some reasons like turbulent automotive market  car selling with illegal high prices. Now we must wait and see that if the Minister prepared to give a convincing answers to all of these mess or not.

Reviewing the Minister’s Decision
From the beginning of this year, Iran’s Minister of Industry, Mine and trade did not show any reactions to currency fluctuations and plans like Parliament’s Vehicle Market Organization Plan.

From the beginning of May, first vice-president of Iran announced that car importers companies must supply their demands via "NIMA System” with a specific exchange rate. At that time, the minister remained silent and did not determined that if the vehicle and their spare parts are basic commodities or not.

Meanwhile, instead of paying attention to this issue, minister was busy following up the violations of car imports in last year and completely forgot about their current problems.

On the very same days, Shariatmadari published a large list of car importers on television that purchased a large number of cars with government currency, a currency that was available in NIMA System! This led to crisis and importers were trying to be exonerated.

While there was mess in the automotive industry, United States’ president announced that this country will exit Iran’s Nuclear Deal. He promised the return of sanctions and this time, Iran’s automotive industry was one of their priorities.

Soon after, the minister banned the car imports. It seems that it was a sudden decision and he just closed all the doors… No way out. Many cars remained in the customs.

In the past few days, a directive has been issued to exempt the payment of currency difference for a number of importers of automotive, motorcycle and tire parts in a list issued by the Customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Considering the stories above, the important thing is that minister’s decisions for the automotive market and industry have not only failed to resolve the problems of it, but also it led to hoarding, market integration and other problems.

Now the minister must be responsive about all of these problems. He should go to the Parliament, defend his decisions, and give convincing answers about hoarding, and illegal high car prices. Because, the later decisions are made for these issues, the more we will have unemployed persons in this industry that reached 5 thousand people by now.

Khodrocar - Market volatility of imported and domestic vehicles, ban of car imports and global prohibitions, ban of car spare parts imports, clearance of vehicle parts from customs and incomplete production of cars are some of this industries problems. The minister did now show any remarkable reactions to these problems.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh