News ID: 2802
Publish Date : 11 June 2018 - 09:15

Effects of Sanctions on Commercial Vehicles: Chinese Replace Europeans?

Renovation of worn-out commercial vehicles has been just started in Iran and suddenly new sanctions came and made number of major foreign companies to leave Iran. What happens to commercial vehicles fleet if Europeans leave Iran’s market?
Khodrocar – There are about 200 thousand worn out commercial vehicles exist in the country that are very pollutant. Last year, President Rouhani announced that during the next 3 years, new vehicles will replace old ones. Therefor the central bank of Iran announced that they will allocate 60 to 80 billion IRRs to facilitate this process.

This plan faced many problems but the point is that the government wanted to use only European vehicles for commercial fleet and no Chinese was allowed.

Now, considering the sanctions, what happens if Europeans leave Iran?
Mehdi Niazi, an automotive industry expert tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Government thinks that Chinese commercial vehicles have more fuel consumption that Europeans. This is true but they are exaggerating about it.”

He adds: "During a meeting with Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade and also Iran Fuel Conservation Company, we suggested a specialized team to be created for Chinese commercial vehicles in order to compare the fuel consumption of European and Chinese vehicles.”

Niazi explains: "Currently, Chinese brands make up nearly 40 percent of the country's commercial vehicles. In recent years, Chinese automakers have adapted themselves to global laws and have stepped up product development and product quality; They reached Euro 6 standards which is necessary for commercial vehicles in China. Therefore, I think the Chinese have good potentials to replace Europeans in this field.”

Niazi tells about the renovation plan of worn-out vehicles: "Currently, the government concentrates on European commercial vehicles for the renovation plan and no changes have been made yet because no company wants to leave Iran yet. Europeans are waiting for the result of negotiations.”

Khodrocar – The Chinese commercial vehicles development was so fast that the government can think about replacing them with Europeans, but serious research is needed in this regard.

Khodrocar Reporter: Shahab Anisi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh