News ID: 2616
Publish Date : 16 May 2018 - 09:15

Absence of Electric Vehicles in Iran Automotive Industry

Major global automakers are moving toward developing and producing electric vehicles but Iran does not show any inclination for producing these vehicles.
Khodrocar – First EV was produced in 1898 by Porsche and during these year, car makers tried to make better EVs but not seriously. During this decade when the discussions about gasoline and diesel fuels and also air pollution became important, the automakers started to move toward producing EVs. According to a report by Reuters, global car makers invested 90 billion dollars on electric vehicles.

Meanwhile, Iranian government and carmakers do not show inclination to develop and produce EVs.

What are the reasons for it? In addition, what are the consequences of not developing and producing EVs?

Farbod Zaveh, an automotive industry expert told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "The main reason for this unwillingness is our economy. Currently, countries are investing and developing electric vehicles with gross domestic product and purchasing power at least four to five times as much as Iran. This procedure is directly related to the economy.”

The automotive industry expert emphasizes: "Making electric cars is basically very expensive and unlike the ads, they have high depreciation For example, they have a short battery lifetime and they need to be replaced every 5 years.”

Farbod Zaveh believes that another reason is the low cost of fossil fuel like gasoline and gas.

He also mentions the roll of governments in investing on electric vehicles and says: "The absence of government is very obvious. Globally, governments are one of the major supporters of electric vehicle productions but that is not true about Iran. This responsibility is given to the private sector and because of its high risks, we do not see any development in this field.”

He tells about the consequences of not paying attention to this section: "Maybe it does not have any consequences in short-term but in long-term, we lose the chance to reduce our distance with other countries in the world, as well as the opportunity to use these new technologies like many other opportunities.

Khodrocar - It seems that the development of the infrastructure of electric vehicles and the production of these cars requires major changes, including economic and technological changes and Iran is unable to do that.

Khodrocar Reporter and Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh