‘Lane rental’ schemes have been trialled in London and Kent, and are being rolled out elsewhere.
News ID: 1940    Publish Date : 2018/02/17

It is only one month left until the end of the year 96 and the automotive industry still awaits for the government promises.
News ID: 1853    Publish Date : 2018/02/09

Hybrid cars are the pioneers of Green Car in the world. While most countries are looking for a way to reduce the pollutions and producing hybrid cars, Iran increased the tariffs of these vehicles and they are not allowed to enter the Low Emission Zone.
News ID: 1820    Publish Date : 2018/02/05

Dollar and Euro exchange rates reached their highest level yesterday and it is expected that the imported vehicle prices will also increase.
News ID: 1690    Publish Date : 2018/01/22

Worn out cars are consuming fuel 15 to 20 times more than brand new and standard cars, but they are running on the streets and the will make the air polluted. Now, there is a question, what is the share of Tehran’s vehicles in the air pollution?
News ID: 1441    Publish Date : 2017/12/24

This week, the Iranian politicians announced their support for part manufacturing industry. The support that the industry needs in order to create better conditions such as lowering exchange rates and banking transactions.
News ID: 1382    Publish Date : 2017/12/19

During the recent days, there rumors about the government ’s decision to increase the vehicle import tariff but the Economic Ministers didn’t conform it, yet. The question is that how much the Chinese benefit from the increases of vehicle import tariff?
News ID: 1345    Publish Date : 2017/12/15

Five months have passed since the closure of car import registration website and during this period, car importers companies’ financial loss reached 1 trillion IRRs and four companies dissuaded from working with their Iranian partners.
News ID: 1325    Publish Date : 2017/12/13

KhodroCar reports;
The budget proposal for the next Iranian fiscal year submitted to the parliament, last day, and the reducing 70 percent of government tax revenue from vehicle imports was bolder that other industries. The income from vehicle import tax is decreased near 10 thousand billion IRRs but is this decreasing actually happen?
News ID: 1301    Publish Date : 2017/12/11

100 days have passed since the start of the twelfth government and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade has done nothing special about Iran’s automotive industry.
News ID: 1289    Publish Date : 2017/12/10

Newly published industrial strategy outlines intentions to increase internally supplied parts.
News ID: 1158    Publish Date : 2017/11/28

During the recent months, there is a serious debate about the standardization and it is so important that even the issue of stopping the production line of cars which are not able to reach the standards is getting more and more important for the Iran’s National Standards Organization and authorities.
News ID: 888    Publish Date : 2017/11/06

Most of the experts believe that the government should not participate in economic activities, but they are doing the opposite. The government have successful and unsuccessful experiences in the economic field and infrastructure. For example, the effect of the government on the auto industry is obvious.
News ID: 850    Publish Date : 2017/11/03

China’s new-energy auto firms saw shares surge in Monday morning trade, extending recent strong gains, after a government official said over the weekend that China had begun looking at a ban on traditional petrol-engine cars.
News ID: 383    Publish Date : 2017/09/13

Hassan Rouhani's government will be continue for another 4 years, and now with the focus of the Ministry of Industry on the supportive policies of industry sector, Iranian providers hope that they will have a powerful and positive presence in Global market.
News ID: 191    Publish Date : 2017/08/10