News ID: 3464
Publish Date : 06 December 2018 - 09:01

Producing Loss with High Rate/ What is Behind Producing Car with Loss?

While automakers faced with different problems of sanctions like currency rate increment they continued the production with high rate and now without price increment they will broke.
Khodrocar – Last year and after the JCPOA automakers thought they would be able to break the records of production in next year but they faced with different problems after sanctions and currency rate increment however they continued to reach their vision and know the production would be harmful for them.

The activity continued while automakers had losses from the past and by continuing the production they moved toward more losses. The question is why the continued to move toward losses while they know it would be harmful for them?

"After currency rate increment, vehicle production decreased and plus past problems final price of production increased to lower the vehicle production.” Shahram Azadi, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"Local producers had stocked losses form the past and after the JCPOA they tried to increase the production and the plan continued till this year but after currency rate increment they moved toward bankruptcy instead of shining.” He added.

"Automakers always have pre-sale and they can’t stop production so they have to continue production also auto industry is strategic and hundreds of people are working in it directly or indirectly so stopping production have other losses.” He said.

The effects of stopping or reducing production force auto makers to continue production but on the other side they were confident about price increment. With all these, we have to wait and see when new prices will be announced to see automakers continuing their existence.

Khodrocar Reporter: Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani