News ID: 3114
Publish Date : 11 August 2018 - 09:22

Privatization, Is It a Relief for the Auto Industry?

It was planned that auto industry move toward privatization according to the law and the government stop its supportive look at this industry but this isn’t happening and even it got worse.
Khodrocar – Despite to what governmental and non-governmental officials and experts are saying about the privatization of the second industry of the country but nothing has happened yet. According to what Hamid Reza Fooladgar said, this industry has not became completely private yet because policy makers are still governmental.

It seems that privatization will happen when the shares of two companies sold to public but the real privatization would be the time that the government stops its interferences and let the industry to find its own way.

"The government is leading all parts of the country and they don’t want to lose a part. They wrongly think that they are able to control all parts but always fail and make problem to economy.” Bahram Shahriari, an expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter. "Whenever an industry face with problems, governmental officials think about the private sector but even private sector needs tools and relation with outside the country which is not available right now.”

"If privatization is mandatory, who should take the control of this vast industry? This industry should be in hands of an expert section. The only expert section in auto making is auto part industry and even they are not able to take the control because they aren’t auto maker.” He added.

"The main reason is we don’t know how to design a car but looking for a foreign car to bring it inside and produce parts of it domestically but it isn’t auto making it is just assembling. " he continued. "However in part industry we made some parts domestically but in the main section assembling is continuing. Therefore, for privatization we have to make the infrastructures and let them to communicate with the other countries. They should bring experienced auto makers and otherwise privatization won’t be beneficial. "

"After USA exit the JCPOA and restored sanctions, Peugeot left Iran for the second time. Why we didn’t take lesson from the first time and why we didn’t bring the technology to Iran? Why they are not letting the private sector to bring the technology and design to the country? It’s sign that they are not eager to let the private sector to design a new car.” Shahriari told Khodrocar.

The resistance of the government and ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade to prevent auto industry privatization will make the bad condition of this industry even worse. First of all, the government has to stop thinking about this industry then prepare the infrastructures to hand the industry to the private sector. After all we can find a way to communicate with the world.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani