Finally, the new regulation of imported cars and also the approval of the commercial profit of electric cars were announced and according to this regulation, electric cars are allowed to enter the country up to 40 thousand euros and with a maximum tariff of 26%, which will definitely witness the entry of new cars with this decision. And we will be more updated to the car market .
News ID: 4716    Publish Date : 2024/01/15

Surveys indicate that prices continue to fall in the car market , while the decrease in purchase demand and the increase in supply for sale have also fueled the further decrease in prices in this market.
News ID: 4604    Publish Date : 2023/06/11

Russia's car sales are growing once more with Chinese help.
News ID: 4487    Publish Date : 2022/12/18

The vehicle market is experiencing a serious unrest these days. Some people benefit from the situation and some other get damaged. But who are those who really benefit?
News ID: 3375    Publish Date : 2018/10/05

Talks about vehicles’ bubble price reduction caused some high price tags to brake since the beginning of the week. Question is the price reduction is due to recent pre sales of the domestic car makers or because of the religious event of these days.
News ID: 3297    Publish Date : 2018/09/17

Related authorities of tire industry and government believe that hoarding of sale representatives cause market turmoil and the solution is quota sale system. But is it really the solution?
News ID: 3248    Publish Date : 2018/09/08

Lack of oversight of the country's automotive industry has led to the sale of expensive cars, hoarding, market integration and rent on car imports. These are the questions that the Minister of Industry must have a convincing answers for them.
News ID: 3214    Publish Date : 2018/08/31

According to the reports, Renault will not leave Iran’s car market
News ID: 2831    Publish Date : 2018/06/15

The European and Asian automakers are worried about United States sanctions against Iran and this made French companies to leave Iran’s vehicle market.
News ID: 2774    Publish Date : 2018/06/06

During the last 10 years, the Chinese carmakers had a major growth and they were able to enter the global markets. Now considering the new sanctions, there is a possibility that the Chinese leave the Iran’s car market .
News ID: 2704    Publish Date : 2018/05/28

USA car manufacturing industry experienced some down sides entering 1980’s. Car makers learned to regain their lost glory throughout the years using some specific methods.
News ID: 2660    Publish Date : 2018/05/23

Chinese automakers, especially those that work with foreign firms to manufacture vehicles in China, traded in the red on Wednesday.
News ID: 2422    Publish Date : 2018/04/19

After the approval of JCPOA, the automotive industry started to count on foreign investments but after two years just three contracts have been inked and there are still lack of foreign investments.
News ID: 1576    Publish Date : 2018/01/07

It has been nearly one week since the new vehicle tariffs has been announced and according to it, the import of vehicles with over 40 thousand dollars of value is banned. Based on the new tariff, the import of Mercedes Benz vehicles will be dramatically reduced.
News ID: 1558    Publish Date : 2018/01/05

Unofficial resources announced that the fuel price will be at least doubled but what are its effects on domestic car market ?
News ID: 1126    Publish Date : 2017/11/26

It’s been a long time since Iranian automakers inked few memorandum of understanding with foreigner partners, but only one of them have been turned to a signed contract.
News ID: 1044    Publish Date : 2017/11/19

Recently the official dealers have possessed the imported car market and introduced new products and some of these products have irrational prices but according to some experts, the market will correct the prices due to technical specifications and production quality and there is no need for the interference of governmental agencies.
News ID: 107    Publish Date : 2017/07/29