News ID: 3197
Publish Date : 28 August 2018 - 08:00

Luxury Cars are No More

Before price increment in vehicle market, luxury cars used to start from 200 million Tomans but now they have reached the 2 billion Toman border line. Even more interesting to know, there are no more new luxury cars allowed to be imported.
Khodrocar – Import luxury cars were only a minor percentage of the whole import vehicles but they are pretty focused like anywhere else on the planet.

Various acts like banning the import of vehicles over 2.5 liter of engine displacement and CIF over 40 grand and now banning any vehicle importation of any sort have caused the price tag of vehicles from this segment to go high up causing serious problems for luxury car drives eager to purchase new models every year.

"Luxury vehicle owners used to buy top vehicles from lower segments in case of any trouble with luxury car segment. But now it is the importation ban of any vehicles that has turned into a serious new problem because the owners of luxury vehicles have no more than two choices: holding tight to their current lux vehicle or to buy a used one from the very segment.” Said Aghil Mostafaei, an automobile industry expert referring to the messy market of the luxury vehicles in Iran.

"The balance between Supply and Demand is now ruined because there are no more new vehicle importation. So the price tag of the current vehicles are to rise. Now Stagnation and Swelling must also be added to the list of current problems. That makes the price of used cars to increase as they are the new models. No owner wants to be damaged.” Said Mostafaei.

"Ban of importation of any vehicles causes the vehicle portfolio of the market to drain of any new cars that also effects on the market and leads to the increment of domestic vehicles’ price.” Added the expert.

Khodrocar – one important tip must be referred and that is the limitations in access to the spare parts and services of lux vehicles because the parts are also banned from import. This important tip along with the high price tag makes owning a luxury car even harder than ever.

Khodrocar Journalist and Translator: Mostafa Anisi