News ID: 2966
Publish Date : 13 July 2018 - 09:22

When the Government Focuses on the Past of Automotive Industry Rather than the Future

During last year, vehicle imports faced many problems like the shutdown of SABTARESH website. However, public officials are still following up the last year’s violations. Unaware that car imports are now banned and there is not enough currency to allocate credit. Now the question is why the government is focusing on the past rather than future?
Khodrocar – The challenges of automotive industry postponed from the year 2017 to 2018; problems like illegal car registrations and the statesmen are now trying to find the guilty one and seems that they are not focusing on new sanctions. This is while the part and vehicle manufacturers and importers are dealing with the lack of exchanges.

It is important to investigate past car violations, but currently there more important issues to be investigated like the ban of car imports, lack of exchange and United States’ new sanctions.

Now the question is when the government will think about new problems of this industry?
Mehdi Dadfar, secretary of Iranian Association of Vehicle Imports, tells Khodrocar reporter regarding the issue: "Unlike correspondence with the minister, main problems are about last year’s car registration violations rather than the ban of vehicle imports and bad situation of importers.”

He emphasizes: "There are no solutions or facilitations for car imports and the cars which stuck in customs. There are no hopes.”

Dadfar explains: "It is not time to concentrate on the past. Automotive industry problems are not the same anymore. Of course than the past problems must be followed up but it is time to focus on new problems like import ban.”

Khodrocar – From the beginning of this year, exchange rates raised horribly and the lack of governmental exchanges, United States exit from Iran nuclear deal, new sanctions and finally probability of the leave of foreign business partners from Iran is the most important problems. Meanwhile, it is expected that the government will save the life of this half-dead industry with accurate plans and policies.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh