News ID: 2927
Publish Date : 05 July 2018 - 09:26

The Need for Transparency about Car Importation Stakeholders

An expert of auto industry believes that to clarify the profit of importers we need more clear lists from the central bank. Now the question is with the newest list, how much of governmental exchanges have been given to the vehicle importers?
Khodrocar – During the last 2 days the final list of governmental currency receivers in vehicle import section published. The government has said that they gave the importers notable numbers of governmental exchange but some experts believe that this amount of governmental exchange is a way less than years before.

"A look at the list of vehicle imports’ list since 1387 to 1396 (2008-2017) will show that share of vehicle importation is 5,4 percent of all imports. According to this, in a period of 10 years near 10.9 million cars has been produced and during the same period near 590 thousand has imported to the country which is 5,4 percent of the whole market.” Ali Shokouhi, Marketing manager of Arian Motor Holding told khodrocar reporter.

"According to the statistics, the government’s income from vehicle production and importation is about 32 percent from the same 5.4 percent therefore this statistics should be much clear from the government.” He added. "There are lots of bad thoughts about the high price of imported cars but no one asks why all of these cars are expensive and why cars importation as great income for the government. Certainly, without government interfere imported cars will be much cheaper than now.”

"For instance, government incomes from importing vehicles are custom costs, custom tariffs, 10 percent costs of plating, costs of renewing the fleet, 10 percent budget which newly added and all of them will add near 90 percent to the final price.” He said. "We recommended a new pricing procedure which should be clear to show the price of any car and added costs.”

"According to the list all of currencies for imported vehicles are 120 million euro. By considering 22 thousand euro for as average of car’s price only 5500 cars imported to the country. This shows that vehicle import is just 10 percent of all importations in the past 10 years.” Shokouhi continued.

"CKD importation is different, the importation in CBU was 1 billion and 450 million dollar last year but CKD importation was 2 billion and 476 million dollar. Now, CKD importation is a lot more than CBU but CBU is more visible in the lists of importation and everyone will focus on it.” He said.

On Tuesday, this week, in line with the transparency of information, the Central Bank continued to publish the list of companies that have received the official exchange rate since the registration of orders in the system of trade development organization since the beginning of the year, and also in terms of information transparency, names and information related to car importers.

Khodrocar Reporters: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani