According to the officials of the ministry of industry, the car import tariff for economic cars below 1500 cc based on the tariff book will be 10%, while in the published instructions, the car import tariff is 55, 75 and 95%, and this uncertainty is a big obstacle. It has become for the activity of importers.
News ID: 4512    Publish Date : 2023/01/15

This year, the government decided to reduce the tariff s on imported hybrid vehicles, but how much was this decision helpful?
News ID: 2514    Publish Date : 2018/05/02

It about a month and a half that the imported cars market and the importers are waiting for the final verdict of Administrative Justice Court (Divan-e Edalat) about imported cars’ tariff . Now the question is that will this organization announce its verdict in the final days of the year 1396?
News ID: 2141    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

Iran’s imported vehicle tariff will be increased and due to exchange rate fluctuations, the domestic car prices will increase too. It is expected that next year will be Chinese Automakers’ year but Renault can be a game changer.
News ID: 1433    Publish Date : 2017/12/23

Recently, after the government proposed its annual budget bill in the field of income taxes on vehicle import, the vehicle import tariff s was announced unofficially. Now some importers are predicting a turbulent market for the next year due to the reduction of imports and the increase vehicle import tariff .
News ID: 1403    Publish Date : 2017/12/20