News ID: 1987
Publish Date : 23 February 2018 - 08:51

Special Discount of the Ministry for PSA Group

PSA Executive Vice-President, Africa-Middle East, Jean-Christophe Quémard announced the signing of 76 contracts between the PSA group and local automakers.

Khodrocar – it was 28 January 2016 when the first auto contract signed after the JCPOA. The contract between IKCO and Peugeot was the first contract after the sanctions and Iran’s industry was hoping better coming days.

The contract importance was because of the act of ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade. The ministry was trying to regain the trust for the French automaker and announced that they are setting difficult rules for cooperation and the French side has accepted all of them.

The most important part of the new rules was starting the activity with 40 percent of part producing localization. The ministry was showing that they are emphasizing on this new condition to activate Iranian parts makers.

During the August 2017, IKAP, the common company of IKCO and Peugeot was preparing to start the production of its first car, "Peugeot 2008” and suddenly it became clear that only 20 percent of this car components will be localized. This news had several reactions and at last, officials of the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade said that it would reach to 40 percent in a year.

Now, it’s been one and half year passed that moment and "Peugeot 2008” has entered to the streets, but Jean-Christophe Quémard still says that only 20 percent of this car has produced locally. He also mentioned, the production of Peugeot 301 will start with more local producers share.

Jean-Christophe Quémard also talked about the 76 contracts which signed between the PSA Group and local auto part producers. However, these contracts are not showing themselves because only 20 percent of 2008 is produced by Iranian companies. Meanwhile, the production of SAIPA and Citroen has not started yet. There is only one thing can be resulted from all of these contracts and it seems that Iran’s auto industry share of these contracts was 0 percent till now.

Now, officials of the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade should answer that why the PSA Group is disobeying the rules and why they make discounts for the French automaker?

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani