News ID: 158
Publish Date : 06 August 2017 - 09:26
Khodrocar reports;

Research and development the lost key to Iran’s Automotive Industry

Studying today’s creditable car companies’ shows that they got where they are now throughout research and development.
Regarding Khodrocar Reporter, the key to most of major car companies’ success is the research and development that leaded to lots of considerable glories in various fields. At the same time it is true to say that the growth and rise of the different automotive brands are due to special care over and investments on the research and development unit.

Throughout the recent years Iran’s major automotive companies like IKCO and Saipa came toward stablishing R&D units but their outcome was not as was anticipated. Now a days considering recent automotive contracts that also include the transfer of technical knowledge, the question is how much attention must be given to R&D units and why are they not efficient in automotive industry? 

"In the recent automotive contracts the other parties of the contracts were forced to transfers some of the their technical knowledge to Iran beside focusing on production, yet must have in mind that highr quality product is considered as E&D itself.” Said Amishassan Kakaei, an automotive industry expert to Khodrocar journalist.

"There are R&D units in major Iranian car companies but they need proper expenditure of time and care that is naturally considerable. R&Dwas not formed properly in Iran. Considering the unstable economy and the wrong direction taken by the car makers that their abundance does not fit their production figures led to disability of the R&D units.” Said Kakaei.

Emphasizing on the necessity of accomplishing a unified conclusion about R&D in Iran, Kakaei went on: "It seems that the government must execute a plan to increase the activities of the car companies’ R&D units along with knowledge based companies and scientific units and must cease interfering with the market and pricing and instead interfere with the R&D units of the automotive industry.”

Accordingly it is obvious that paying attention and upgrading R&D units are needed in order to make progress in automotive industry. But to cut the expenses and reaching an appropriate outcome to use in the automotive industry an R&D unit must be initiated to support all car making companies that are far more than 30 units.