Representatives of 21 Iranian companies are going to showcase over 99 automobile parts and equipment at MIMS Automobility Moscow 2022 which is due to be held during August 22-25, an official with the state-run Iran Khodro Company ( IKCO ) announced.
News ID: 4381    Publish Date : 2022/08/22

The vehicle market is experiencing a serious unrest these days. Some people benefit from the situation and some other get damaged. But who are those who really benefit?
News ID: 3375    Publish Date : 2018/10/05

It is rough these days with the Iran automobile industry. Sanctions are showing effects on the industry without any counter measures from the sleeping authorities. Yet the negligence of some companies cannot be waivered.
News ID: 3259    Publish Date : 2018/09/10

KhodroCar reports;
The contract between Benz and I.D.E.M (Iranian Diesel Engine Manufacturing Co.) is going to be signed soon, as the cooperation of IKCO and Benz continues.
News ID: 1276    Publish Date : 2017/12/09

Chairman of Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce Said:
Pre contract between Iran and Fiat signed more than 18 months ago, but it has not been executed yet. But the chairman of Iran-Italy chamber of commerce believes that this contract could be a competitor for Peugeot and VW.
News ID: 1083    Publish Date : 2017/11/22

Khodrocar Studies: Impact of MB Diesel-IKCO Diesel Over Commercial Vehicle Industry
The contract between IKCO -Diesel & Mercedes-Benz signed while experts think this will be a glowing point in our Auto industry.
News ID: 403    Publish Date : 2017/09/14

Jashem Yekezare, IKCO CEO, yesterday announced partnership with Datsun. There was its rumours almost two years back and now finally it was officially declared.
News ID: 315    Publish Date : 2017/08/30

Khodrocar reports;
Studying today’s creditable car companies’ shows that they got where they are now throughout research and development.
News ID: 158    Publish Date : 2017/08/06

Lack of liquidity has had made IKCO and SAIPA incapable of paying their debts to Iranian auto parts makers.
News ID: 28    Publish Date : 2017/07/17