News ID: 1325
Publish Date : 13 December 2017 - 09:05

Nobody takes the blame for importers' financial losses

Five months have passed since the closure of car import registration website and during this period, car importers companies’ financial loss reached 1 trillion IRRs and four companies dissuaded from working with their Iranian partners.
KhodroCar – The government or more precisely, Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade told about supporting the domestic products and banned the registration and import of foreign vehicles. But during this period, nothing has happened for Iran’s domestic car production except few contracts which has been signed before the closure of car import registration website.

In the meantime, the problem of some importers were financial loss and loss of credit.

Mehdi Dadfar, Secretary of Iranian Automobile Importers Association told KhodroCar regarding the issue: "Since the closure of car import registration website the financial loss of the importers reached 1 trillion IRRs which of course, the final decision about how to pay these damages are up to the judicial authorities.”

He added: "Four foreign companies dissuaded from working with the related Iranian domestic companies, because our companies reduce their worth and credit.”

Secretary of Iranian Automobile Importers Association stated: "Judicial file of this issue has been composed and is under investigation.”

According to Dadfar, safety, welfare and comfort are the responsibilities of government because it owns the domestic car production.

He added: "During the recent months, many activities have been suspended in the name of employment. The problem is that the whole auto industry of Iran is owned by the government, it’s obvious. A very clear example for that is the management change of Saipa by the Minister.”

Dadfar emphasized: "Currently, interests of import are tied to the interests of manufacturers but the government announced that the closure of car import registration website is due to the support of domestic automakers.”

Secretary of Iranian Automobile Importers Association explained: "According to the recent researches, only 13 companies out of 100 with great financial turnovers, belong to the private section and the others are related to the government, directly or indirectly.”

Dadfar believes that the importers’ only rival is the government and the private sector is not able to compete with the government.

Khodrocar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh