News ID: 888
Publish Date : 06 November 2017 - 09:15

Barzegari: Government Should Not Interrupt The Standardization

During the recent months, there is a serious debate about the standardization and it is so important that even the issue of stopping the production line of cars which are not able to reach the standards is getting more and more important for the Iran’s National Standards Organization and authorities.
Khodrocar – Nezamoddin Barzegari, former Manager of Iran’s National Standards Organization, stated that vehicles like "Pride” are disgrace for the people and said that some cars are not even close to our standards but the automakers keep producing them.

He told Khodrocar regarding the issue: Iran’s automotive industry tends to be depended on Political and Economical matters. One of the important factors for the growth of an industry is that the government and legislative authorities should not interfere in their work. The economy grows in a competitive market. Contrary to what it is said, the automotive industry is not managed with private sector.

*How was these kind of decision made in the past?

-For example the Iran’s National Standard Organization made some decisions about increasing the quality of airbags, but meanwhile the car makers lobbied with the government, so this decision took two and a half years to complete.

* What is the major weakness of our standards? Car production quality or car quality monitoring?

- Honestly, vehicles like "Pride” should be scrapped. These cars are nothing good for our people. During my management period in National Standards Organization, I have requested to stop numbering Pride but with the government’s interventions, that didn’t happen.

If we want to produce cars with the global standards, most of the vehicles which are produced nowadays, must be scrapped.

*So you are positive about performing the Scrappage Scheme?

-Of course I am. According to European standards, 52 standard cases, 4 of which were related to emissions and some related to quality and automotive parts, are now increased but our car producers keep producing low standard and low quality vehicles.

Khodrocar reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh