News ID: 191
Publish Date : 10 August 2017 - 09:30

Iranian part makers on the way to the Global Markets

Hassan Rouhani's government will be continue for another 4 years, and now with the focus of the Ministry of Industry on the supportive policies of industry sector, Iranian providers hope that they will have a powerful and positive presence in Global market.
Khodrocar - in recent days, Mohammad Shariatmadari has been nominated as a new candidate for the Ministry of Industry. Although his record goes back to the commercial field, but industrialists hope that he will apply the positive and efficient policies of industry sector.

The car industry's strategic document is part of this policy, which was adopted about three years ago and it has a great vision for the automotive industry and its affiliated industries.

In this document, special attention has been paid to the active presence of Iranian providers in the global market and improving of exports in this sector, which has not realized during these three years. Although the Iranian private sector has been signed several international partnerships contracts, but still they need government support to achieve their real share in global markets. 

Mohammad Reza Najafimanesh, a part maker told Khodrocar journalist regarding this issue: " The realization of the strategic plan of the automotive and its policies in supply sector is our most important request from twelfth government. Iranian part makers have a great potential, which can end to a brilliant results with government's support." 

"The government, as promised should provide condition for the partnership of Iranian part makers, bring them into the contracts between Iranian and foreign companies and increase share of domestic productions from these contracts up to 80%. " he explains about government's support.

Najafimanesh believes that :" Iranian providers in order to rise their exports, need to connect to the global supply chain and they have this capacity, as they have shown in the past."