Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade has entered the auto industry firmly and gave ultimatum to managers of automakers which are good for customers.
News ID: 3517    Publish Date : 2019/01/26

Stocked loss of automakers reached to 110 thousand billion IRRs at the end of fall and alongside production reduction there is a worry that automakers can’t fulfill their promises to customers.
News ID: 3516    Publish Date : 2019/01/25

Researches showing that congresses of auto industry don’t have any result for the country and experts thing that in the current situation of economy holding congresses like them are not logical.
News ID: 3513    Publish Date : 2019/01/23

In continue of reviewing international congresses in the world and Iran we find out that Iran’s congresses can’t do their responsibility and they are not successful at all.
News ID: 3512    Publish Date : 2019/01/22

Most of experts believe that in current situation holding an international congress for auto industry is not necessary because they don’t have any result and all contracts that signed in the past periods were for the relation of automakers with foreign companies and congress didn’t do anything.
News ID: 3511    Publish Date : 2019/01/21

In recent years auto industry saw different congress with big names but people think that these congresses didn’t have result and they are a way to make money for holders and a place for governmental officials to speak.
News ID: 3510    Publish Date : 2019/01/20

Shortage of car’s components in past months has made a worry about the ending days of the year and this problem can became critical for the auto industry.
News ID: 3509    Publish Date : 2019/01/19

The approval of government cabinet to clear 13 thousand depo vehicles in customs had a part which permit to register order for these cars without transferring currency but manager of central bank refuse this approval and the government corrected it.
News ID: 3507    Publish Date : 2019/01/17

Problems of auto industry are rising during the final days of the year and we are seeing production reduction but according to reviews problems are affecting the production rate not the quality of cars.
News ID: 3503    Publish Date : 2019/01/14

Auto industry and part manufacturing are falling down and even requested price increment can’t help the whole industry and it’s just a little break before complete fall.
News ID: 3502    Publish Date : 2019/01/13

After a long time at last IKCO announced corrected prices of under 450 million IRRs cars and it can be first step to the vehicle price increment but how much these prices are real?
News ID: 3499    Publish Date : 2019/01/10

After a while that part makers were near bankruptcy now there are some news about the vehicle price increment to about 70 percent.
News ID: 3498    Publish Date : 2019/01/09

The third Tehran auto show started while the story of pricing vehicles and stocked cars in customs has keep the auto industry among hot topics.
News ID: 3497    Publish Date : 2019/01/08

Part manufacturing doesn’t have a good condition in a long time and now it’s near bankruptcy. Activists are believe that if the government officials don’t think about it we will see the end of this industry very soon. They hope to see better days with vehicle price increment.
News ID: 3496    Publish Date : 2019/01/07

According to the review of ministry car production has decreased for 71.2 percent compare to this time of last year. This statistic is continuing and we may see 90 percent reduction till the end of the year. If it happens in all segments then what will happen to the automakers?
News ID: 3495    Publish Date : 2019/01/06

The new plans and moves of the government shows that the instruction of auto industry will completely change in the importation.
News ID: 3494    Publish Date : 2019/01/05

Car’s pricing has become a difficult challenge and the market still in an undecided condition.Some days we hear about the price decrease and other day prices increase.
News ID: 3493    Publish Date : 2019/01/04

There is no day that we don’t hear about the closure of an importer company. Companies which had a hard competition for sale and absorbing specialist human resources.
News ID: 3491    Publish Date : 2019/01/02

Shortage of auto parts in the last days of the year has made different challenges for the repairmen union.
News ID: 3490    Publish Date : 2019/01/01

The key of Somaye building has been handed 3 times during Rouhani’s presidential period. Now a couple of months have passed since the new minister came but was he effective during his working period?
News ID: 3489    Publish Date : 2018/12/31