News ID: 3499
Publish Date : 10 January 2019 - 09:21

Reviewing the Market with New Prices/ How Much does New Prices Real?

After a long time at last IKCO announced corrected prices of under 450 million IRRs cars and it can be first step to the vehicle price increment but how much these prices are real?
Khodrocar – After a long time of uncertain market at last prices of under 450 million IRRs cars of IKCO announced and prices increased for about 100 million IRRs.

Abbas Tabesh, president of consumer protection organization said that he doesn’t know anything about the announced price from the IKCO but the formula for priding products has been announced now it seems that even governmental officials are scare to announce new prices or even approve it. It was said that prices will increase for 30 percent and another expert said increment will be over 70 percent. What we predict is that prices will be corrected because even SAIPA hasn’t said anything about the prices.  

"We have a pattern to follow up the topic which result in production increment, quality increment, production rate and reduce of final price and exhibiting in Shahre Aftab is to localize parts in Iran. We have market price and factory price and they have differences which need more discuss to solve.” Reza Rahmani, minister of Industry, Mine and Trade told.

He said that the goal of the ministry is to increase production rate and final price should be lower than free market also automakers promised that black market will vanish.

After a long time now ministry has gave automakers an instruction to price their cars but it is unclear that which organization has made the instruction. However the 100 million IRRs price increment is near to the formula of national competition council.

"Nevertheless, the market hasn’t react to new prices in last days.” Saeed Motameni, manager of auto seller and exhibitors told khodrocar reporter. "The market hasn’t changed since new prices announced and even some cars had price reduction. The market needs supplement then prices will reduce and become stable.

But some other activists in the car market considered the market reaction to be negative, and they believe that the real reaction of the market should be seen from the beginning of the next week and can not be commented on it. Many analyzes can be made for the announcement of new prices for exclusive cars, but the verb What is clear is that governments still do not apply the agreed and agreed price increases to assess the car market, and maybe in the future, with the coming of bankruptcy of automakers and their high losses, the rise in prices And maybe they want to increase next year with annual inflation Re-raise the prices for the new year. However, we should wait for the real reaction of the market in this regard and wait for the other car maker to announce its new prices.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani