News ID: 3516
Publish Date : 25 January 2019 - 09:31

From Reducing Production to Increasing Losses of Car Makers this Year/ Can Automakers Fullfill their Obligations?

Stocked loss of automakers reached to 110 thousand billion IRRs at the end of fall and alongside production reduction there is a worry that automakers can’t fulfill their promises to customers.
Khodrocar – Economy problems in a bad year and unstable condition of the country made automakers to ask for price increment and it happened after a long time struggling, finally both automakers increased their prices.  

After price increment, part makers asked to reduce their prices and they are waiting to revive their demands from automakers. Meanwhile auto market didn’t have any positive reaction to price increment and after 2 weeks, Saeed Motameni said that according to high price of local products, the market is in stagnation.

He also said that foreign cars’ price didn’t have turbulence but due to high prices customers are not looking for brand new foreign cars and they just thinking about replacing cars with second hand products.

In this matter, head of industry and mine commission of the parliament talked about the meetings of this commission and the government to find a solution for the price of presale cars. He said that "we had many meetings with important and representative people and we hope to find a way that is good for people too.”

Automakers also are trying to satisfy customers and have meetings to find problems, research about it then find a solution and start acting to solve it.

There is only 2 months left to the last year and financial statements are announced and according to them both automakers have about 110 thousand billion IRRs.

Homayon Darabi, a capital market expert in an interview with the Khodrocar, said the car group's situation was not strong last week and, given the reports that were released by car companies, it was not desirable, and this led to the creation of heavy sales queues for the group in one Be the first two days of the week.

He also adds that most of the symbols of the car group last week were priced for improvement, and they were faced with a drop in stock prices and should wait for new news about the group's evolution over the coming weeks. However, good conditions for these two large automobile companies are not anticipated, and we should hope that the government and managers of these two companies would be better off for them, and that the two companies would not be bankrupt.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani