News ID: 824
Publish Date : 01 November 2017 - 09:15

Iran’s Motorcycle Industry Supports a Failed Project

According to Iran’s National Workgroup of Air Pollution Reduction, production of carburetor motorcycles is banned and only fuel injected and electric motorcycles are allowed to be produced. But how this was helpful?
Khodrocar – About three years ago, the cabinet announced that they want to approve a law which prohibits the production of carburetor motorcycles. That was a good news for environment and Iran’s Department of Environment and on the other hand, a bad news for motorcycle companies. The motorcycle assemblers knew that this change will have great conversion and heavy costs for them.

It was expected that the law will be approved in 2016 but everybody shocked when 430 thousand carburetor motorcycles was allowed to be produced that year and this way the approval of this law suspended.

The law finally approved this year in 21th of March and according to that, the numbering of carburetor motorcycles numbering was banned. But from the beginning of this year, the companies started to produce the obsoleted "Unit Fuel Injector” engines instead of real fuel injector engines. An unsuccessful innovation by the Japanese which continues to be sold by the Chinese to Iran.

A mechanical engineering expert said that this types of engines are unable to combine the oxygen and fuel accurately and that’s exactly their major weakness which causes air pollution.

The reason that the Chinese insist on producing this type of engines is their low cost production in comparison to real fuel injector engines.

Now, we have to wait to see what will Iran’s National Workgroup of Air Pollution Reduction do to reduce the air pollution and reach its ideals.

Khodrocar reporter: Fazel Souri
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh