Motorcycle industry is feeling not even nothing better than the automobile industry but also coping with a major reduction in production in the first half of the year due to turbulences of exchange rate. Now the time is up for motorcycle manufacturers to reach expected standard levels and now 42 motorcycles are banned from production causing huge troubles for the industry.
News ID: 3284    Publish Date : 2018/09/15

It has been for years that Japan is placed between the five top automakers in the world. However, this country is one of the bests in motorcycle industry ; But why is that?
News ID: 2760    Publish Date : 2018/06/04

As the motorcycle industry faced the ban of carburetor motorcycles production, their production fell by 85 percent and now they must deal with the ban of production of the motorcycles that do not have euro 4 standard.
News ID: 2482    Publish Date : 2018/04/28

Motorcycles are one of the main reasons of air pollution but the motorcycle industry paid just a little attention to this issue and now we should wait and what decisions are going to be made in the next year for this issue.
News ID: 2202    Publish Date : 2018/03/19

According to Iran’s National Workgroup of Air Pollution Reduction, production of carburetor motorcycles is banned and only fuel injected and electric motorcycles are allowed to be produced. But how this was helpful?
News ID: 824    Publish Date : 2017/11/01